-1- The Story of a Tower

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This is the story of... You know, it would be unfair to say this is the story of one thing in particular. You could say it's a story of love. A story of manipulation. A story of friendship. A story of magic and healing. A story of exploration and adventure. Or even the story of... well, me. However, saying that would be an understatement. It's the story of all of that and more.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's start the story at the beginning. I was born a Cleric. A Sorcerer with the rare ability to heal others. I'm the first cleric to be born in a hundred years. A gift from the goddess Recovery Girl. Of course, like all Sorcerers my power is completely unique to me. That means all Clerics have healing abilities with different variants. For me, that variant is that I heal through my... hair.

I wrap my hair around things, then I sing, then my hair glows, and next you know you're healed! It's... strange. Although I'll lose my gift if my hair is cut, the proof being that someone did cut some of it and it never grew back.

But I was saved. I had been orphaned by thugs that killed my parents so they could steal my powers. However, one of their other victims rose up against them and whisked me away. He was also a Sorcerer of immense power. A bright blue fire that avenged the wronged and stood for justice and love. And he cared for me like a father. He was only 13, and I was only five. I couldn't remember any of it or anything before it, I was just too young.

But no matter what... Dabi always knew how to protect me. I had already been taken before he was stolen away. He said that when he saw me in the prison cell, he knew he had to protect me. After he saved us, Dabi went out and started working, leaving me in an abandoned tower while he worked. The work was dangerous, so much so that he would often get injured doing it, so my powers came in handy. But I still couldn't fix the scars he had gotten from when he saved me from the thugs. His powers left nasty purple burns on his legs, back, arms, and even his face. He didn't know how to control his powers back then. I couldn't fix them, but I stopped them from hurting every time he came home. It was perfect.

More or less.

His work meant I was left alone. A lot. I was going to turn 16 the next day, and everything weighed heavy on my mind. Dabi promised he'd come home that day, and I was going to ask him a very important question.

Every year on my birthday, lights would fly up into the skys. I had to see them up close. I figured that this would be the year to ask him. In all the books I read, the 16th birthday was meant to be special, sweet.

"(Y/N)! It's me!" Dabi's voice swept up the tower, reaching my ears, "Let me up!"

"Coming!" I put away the book I had been reading, then let down a ladder we had attached to the balcony of the tower, "Come on up!"

He reached the top in mere moments, making his way through the trapdoor on the balcony floor, "It's not too bad this time. Only a scratch or two."

I laughed a little as I pulled him inside, "So the normal scar treatment?"

"You're too good to me."

"So Dabi..." I began wrapping his scars in my hair, "As you know, tomorrow's my birthday."

He smirked as I began working on his arms, "Yeah, 'sweet' 16, right?"

"Yep!" I moved to the next arm, "And I know what I want. And it's free."

"Really?" He looked down at me as I moved to his scars on his lower legs, "Sounds too good to be true. What's the catch?"

"I would have to leave the tower."

I flinched as his voice rose in volume, "What!? Out of the question."

I moved on to the next leg, "I didn't even tell you what it was."

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