-1- The Life of an Indentured Maid

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Once upon a time, in a faraway land, the kingdom of Aichi stood proud, peaceful, prosperous, and rich in romance and progress. This is, of course, where I live. Where I always lived. At first with my mother in the servant's quarter of the castle, then in the top of the servant's tower. The former is my current living situation.

When I was younger, my mother and I lived a humble life. I helped my mother with the royal family's dishes and laundry. My mother was the head maid of the royal household. She was kind. I loved her and she loved me. It was a simple time.

Whenever I wasn't helping my mother, I would sneak off and play with anyone who would join me. Commoners and royalty alike. I was a kid. I saw no difference.

But with one change comes a flood of changes. My mother died when I was ten. Only a few weeks later, a new head maid was selected. She was brought in from another region of the kingdom. Miss. Adline was a cold, cruel, and bitterly jealous woman. Not that I could ever say that aloud.

Then years went by. The new head maid worked me to the bone. I was always the one she had me do all my mother's old chores. Laundry, dishes... We had other maids of course, but she still picked me to do most common chores.

I never got to see my friends. I just... worked. Not that that ever stopped me from moving forward. Just take a breath, and keep believing better things will come. That was my mother's motto. Granted she's dead, so I'm not exactly sure that all worked out for her.

Well that was insensitive.

"Six forty-five am and time to feed the devil cat," I was talking to myself as I got dressed in my maid attire, I found myself mocking Miss. Adline, "'Now (Y/N)! If the royal pet is not fed by seven, the king will have your head!' Yeah right. King Yaoyorozu was a saint last time I got to see him."

I sighed, making my way to the milk by the door. I watched as the milkman's carriage parked at the gate, "Hello Ojiro! Helping your dad out again?"

Ojiro was a sweet kid. Same age as me, though he never really played with me as kids. He was always shy. I had heard from his father that he had gone out and joined some monks when he turned 13. Now he works as a freelance tracker.

"Oh," He brought the milk down, handing me an extra bottle as his dad had done everyday since I started picking up the milk, "I was just... visiting my dad. Turns out he was busy today, so I offered to take some milk for him."

"Well," I smiled, "Thanks for getting it here. Miss. Adline would kill me if I didn't get her feline majesty fed."

"Feline majesty?"

"The royal cat," I let the door open as I put the milk in the icebox, "You can come in if you're not in too much of a rush. I usually fix your dad some oatmeal and berries. Blackberries or raspberries?"

He smiled and slowly sat at the kitchen table, "Whatever you have more of."

A mewing sound filled the room as the royal cat, Lilith, strode in and took her place at the table.

"Morning your highness," I finished setting up the oatmeal water to boil, then began pouring her milk, "You would think she's the king or something."

"But I jest," I took the oatmeal off the stovetop, "How's the whole 'Monk' thing going for you?"

"It's umm," Ojiro stumbled over his words as I sat the bowl of oatmeal and raspberries in front of him, "It's not too different. Not as much talking as a village life."

"So that's what coaxed you into it," I teased, "Am I so horrible to talk too?"

"That's not what I-!"

"I'm just playing with you," I sat down across from him, "I know you like talking sometimes, like with that Hagakure girl from Naruhata."

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