Chapter 2

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We walked down the street aways. "Hey, are you hungry?" he asks. "Um. Ya, I didn't eat breakfast." "Good!" He said smiling. He led us to this little cafe, when we got in we sat at a huge table, for like 6 or 7 people. "Um. Why are we at such a huge table?" I asked."I'm sorry. I'm meeting the boys here. I was going to tell you, but I was afraid you wouldn't want to come. And I was having so much fun." I could tell he was sorry. "That's alright. I'm having loads of fun too!" I said smiling. He had gotten sad when apologizing but now he was all happy again. :)

From our table at the back of the restaurant I could here the other 4 boys walk in. I liked Zayn. Maybe he liked me too. I was scared that the other boys wouldn't like me at all. Instinctively I scooted closer towards Zayn. He chuckled lightly and wrapped his arm around me. "Don't worry, they'll love you, but not as much as I do." I looked up into his eyes, smiling. He was smiling too. He did like me then. So this would be an unofficial date? If so, it was pretty interesting so far. I felt as though I had known him for years, not a couple hours.

The boys walked down the hall and saw the table and started coming towards it. "Zayn! You didn't tell me you were bringing me a date!" Niall said while winking and taking the chair next to me. I just blushed and looked at Zayn. "Back off Niaaalll! She's  mine!" He said it playfully but there was a tone of seriousness in his voice. He also but me closer, as if he were protective. "I'm Niall!" Niall introduced himself, giving me a hug. WOW. Horan hugs WERE amazing! The rest of the boys introduced themselves waving or shaking my hand. "Hi! My name is Krystine!" I said once they all sat down. "Well. It is very nice meeting you Krystine." Liam said. The other three boys nodded whilst saying, "Indeed!" "And it is a pleasure to meet all of you." I replied. Throughout breakfast we got to know each other. I noticed Niall staring at me a bit though. I tried to brush it off as me being self-conscious, as I am. I was REALLY starting to like Zayn. I did not want to get caught in a love triangle....*le sigh*

Once we were done eating, Zayn and I said goodbye to the boys and Niall gave me another hug. uuuugh. "So where are we going?" "Well, you didn't really see Big Ben so I was going to take you back to get a proper look. "Yay!" "Haha. I also did not get to properly thank you for saving my life back there, letting me in your cab." "I didn't save you life! I just, kept all your clothes on..." I said laughing. "You made my life better at least..." He said as he looked into my eyes. "Uh-erm. I mean. Ya. Thanks :}" "Anytime ;)"

Zayn and I spent the rest of the day together going all around London. Then after dinner, we caught a cab. "Wow. It's only nine? I hate jet-lag. I am so tired." "Lemme take you back to your hotel." "Alriiight." The cab pulled up to my hotel and Zayn got out to walk me up. When we got to my room I turned to face him. "Did you want to come in?" I asked, but I accidentally let a yawn slip. "I would, but you need your sleep." "Alright. Bye then." "Bye." He walked down the hall and I shut the door. I hadn't wanted this day to end. *knock knock* I walked to the door and looked through the peep-hole. It was Zayn. "Long time no see :) " I said as I opened the door. "Krystine." "Ya?" "Uhm. I-I- I like you. A lot. And I was wondering, if,erm, you might want to hang out tomorrow?" "Aw, I really like you to Zayn:) I would love to go out tomorrow." "Great! I'll text you later?" "Ya! Anytime!" "Alright. Um. Goodnight." He kissed my cheek then headed down the hall. I shut the door and crashed on my bed. For the first time in a long time I fell asleep happy, and with a smile on my face. :)

Love That Lasts Forever~ {A Zayn Malik Fanfic} COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now