Chapter 17

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All day Zayn just kept saying 'Benjamin-William Malik'. Since the day was really nice out, we invited the boys and Kira over to go swimming. I just sat by the pool though, didn't really feel like going for a swim. "So Butterfly, I don't mean to nag. But do you have the name of my godson or not?" Lou asked. "OUR godson!" Harry yelled as he splashed Louis. Before I could answer Zayn started yelling "BENJAMIN-WILLIAM MALIK! BENJAMIN-WILLIAM MALIK BENJAMIN-WILLIAM MALIK!" Everyone loved the name. "Harry I was gonna put your name in there, but William seemed to go better with Benjamin than Edward. But we promise you will be in the next name!" "That's OK. I do agree though. William goes better." I was so happy it hadn't hurt his feelings. (CURRENTYLY HAVE 17 MORE WEEKS TILL THE 40 WEEK MARK.)

It has been about a week since we bought the house and moved in. Louis was right, they have been over everyday since, going swimming, watching t.v. and just hanging out. I don't mind though. I decided we would not start planning a wedding until after the baby was born. The only thing we have planned is the approximate date which will be sometime around June-August. That would mean I will have been engaged for about 10 months and known Zayn about a year and a half. I noticed the other day that I was a bit bigger than most pregnant women at about 22 weeks. I even weighed more. "Don't worry. It doesn't mean a thing. So the baby will be a bit chubby. You said yourself they're cuter." Zayn said trying to cheer me up. But, as mothers worry, I made an appointment for a check-up and ultrasound 6 weeks before my next one. AT THE OFFICE~ "So what seems to be the problem?" The doctor asked. "Well. I just noticed that I weigh a bit more and am a little bigger than the average woman who is 22 weeks along." "AH. And mothers worry."

"Well. I will take measurements, weigh you, then the ultrasound." "Alright." I stepped on the scale and I was 3 more pounds heavier than 2 days ago when I made the appointment. I was also half an inch bigger around. "Hm. You are a bit big! haha!" She said. Then she started the ultrasound. "WELL! Lookie there! How in the world did we miss this?" She exclaimed as she moved the little camera-like object back and forth along my abdomen. "What's wrong with my baby?" I asked, more like yelped. I was anxious to know what she found. What was wrong. What did she miss at the last 3 or 4 ultrasounds?! I looked at Zayn as the doctor didn't answer immediately. He squeezed my hand. "It'll be alright." He whispered to me. "Uhm. Doc? What exactly DID you miss these last three or four ultrasounds?" Zayn asked loudly, snapping the doctor out of whatever trance she was in. She then turned to us, smiling.

"Well. Mr. and Mrs. Mommy and Daddy." She started. "You are going to be the proud parents, of triplets." I pretty sure my mouth dropped to the floor. TRIPLETS?! I mean twins, that would have been manageable for a first pregnancy. But triplets?!?! I looked at Zayn. His mouth was sealed shut. His eyes glazed over. Numb. Just like I was. "Uhm. Do you know the gender of the other two?" I asked."Yes. The first one that we thought was the only one is still a boy, he is going to be the biggest out of the three so you know which is which. Then there is a little girl and another boy." After that she congratulated us, cleaned me up, and left. Zayn and I walked to the car and got in. We used to take the cab but we figured we both had gotten our licenses, and a couple cars since we couldn't take a baby into a cab everywhere, so we just drove ourselves around. "Where to?" Zayn asked, his voice cracking. The only place I could think of. Private enough. "Home." I let out,my voice cracking to. I don't think we were sad we were having triplets. Just shocked. Overwhelmed. Surprised.

We got home and I went to the nursery, Zayn following behind. Luckily the rooms were huge. I was sad at the thought of having to leave this house in a few years. Two brothers can't share a room. I know that from experience. I figured the two baby boys would fit in here with another crib, but the girl would have to go in the other room. This one was too blue. And, despite my distaste, we would probably have to do that room pink. After about an hour in there we went to the bedroom. After about an hour of still silence I got up and went outside in the backyard and sat on the bench swing. After a few minutes Zayn came out and sat with me. "I know, why your sad the most." He said as he grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Why?" I asked. "Leaving the house. Don't worry. We won't. This backyard is HUGE. We will expand. Add 3 more rooms! In case three kids weren't enough for you." He said laughing. Then I laughed. Then we couldn't quit laughing. "So. Names? I chose the last one." I said poking Zayn. "Well. For the boy or girl?" "I don't know. The thing is Daddys little girl. So you can do that one." "Alright."

We sat talking for about an hour till we came up with two more names, and two more middle names. "So Har and Lou still godfather and godmother? Of all three?" "Yes. This is their thing." "Alright." Just then there was a knock on the door and the sound of people walking in. Must be the boys over for their daily swim. They all came out back and saw us sitting there. "Hey what's up guys!" Liam said. "Well. I was worried about something so we went to the doctors so I could get checked out." I said. "Is Ben OK?" Niall asked. Good. It seems he has accepted the fact that I'm with Zayn. "Yes." Zayn answered. "It turns out. We not only have Ben. But we have an Emma Grace and a Tyler Edward." I continued. The boys had the same reaction we had, except theirs lasted only about 2 minutes. Then before they came to Zayn had gotten up and shoved them all into the pool, luckily they had all left their phones inside. The rest of the night the boys swam and I ordered some more chinese food. We sat and ate while watching the Bourne trilogy. Everyone left early and I went straight to bed.

6 WEEKS LATER~ I finally had to call and tell everyone that I was engaged. I had put it off a couple days then I was having triplets and I forgot until a few weeks ago I looked at my hand, saw the ring, and realized I had told, no one. Everyone was so happy. I only have a couple weeks left till the kids come because apparently when having triplets you usually go into labor a couple weeks before you would with twins or a single. We put a few thousand dollars into my parents account so that when I went into labor they could go down to the airport and get here ASAP. OH YA! Harry met this girl a couple weeks ago. Her name is Trinitee. But we all call her Trin. She has medium length reddish-brown hair with hazel eyes. She is about a year younger than Kira and I and almost 2 years younger than the boys. She is amazing for Harry. She actually has been a fan. See, a couple weeks ago Li and Lou went to America to visit the girls and Harry went with them, and he came back after two days because he got bored. Well, at the airport he met Trin. Someone who had JUST moved to London and was looking for a flat. Lou refused to let her stay at our place because, well. It was OUR place. So she stayed with Harry and Liam.

My ultrasound the other day went well. Nothing new really, just the doc saying when I went into labor to call her before we got to the hospital because she doesn't know how long it will take her to get there. OK. Cool. So we walked around town that day. But then we got bored so we went home. Almost everybody sent more gifts for the extra two kids. Being my stingy self I wasn't going to allow Ty to wear Ben's clothes. Unless they were needed, Of course it could have been my hormones too. Who knows. We also went shopping again so we could get all the stuff for Emma's room. It was just Zayn, Harry, and I doing the room this time though since Liam, Louis and Niall were pre-occupied with their girlfriends. HAHA.

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