Chapter 12

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Shortly after the whipped cream dare Kira left, and then Liam had to go back home and Harry went at the same time so they wouldn't go alone. Then it was just Lou, Zayn and I. "Louis I think I'm gonna stay here tonight. That OK?" "Ya. I wouldn't want you to damage Niall's pretty face." "Ha-ha." "Well. Goodnight guys. I'm bushed." "Night Lou." We said. "Zayn. I'm sorry. I have completely destroyed yours and Niall's relationship!" "No you haven't love. He just has to learn he can't always have what he wants." "OK. If you say so. Well I'm bushed. Coming?" "You mean I can stay with you? :D" "Ha! Only if you don't try anything pretty boy." After that Zayn leaped up and chased after me to my room. Where we slept. SLEEEEEEPT. haha. Next week I was having another ultrasound. Not necessary, I just kept having nightmares about me losing him. I wanted a boy. ~

ULTRASOUND DAAY~~~ I got up in the morning and got dressed. It was a nice day. I wore a black shirt with a panda on it, a polka dot skirt, short brown boots, a red beret and an Eiffel tower necklace. I went outside where Zayn was waiting with a cab. "You look gorgeous." "As always" I say sarcastically. We got into the cab and headed towards the doctors. Word was already out that I /might/ be pregnant, so we didn't do to much to shush it. When management ok'd it (when I start showing) we can release the news. IN THE OFFICE~ "So Doc. Is he ok?" "He? Well we can't tell the gender yet, but yes the baby is healthy." "When will she start showing?" Zayn asked. "Typically anywhere from 25-35 weeks. And from the looks I would say your almost 9 but not quite." "Ok." "OK! Good. I suggest setting another appointment for, oh say, 5 weeks from now." "Ok. Thank you!" "No problem." We made the appointment and headed on out, walking towards the park.

On the way there we stopped at a cafe and got some ice cream. "So do you like the tower?" Zayn asked. "What?" "You have the tower on your necklace." "Oh! Ya. It is beautiful. I only hope to see it in real life someday." "I think you will." "What?" "Never mind." After that we spent almost all day at the park, mostly saying Hi to everyone that stopped us but it was fun. Zayn brought up Niall and we talked about that situation for a while. Then Zayn said he would talk to Liam about it later. But for now, we just enjoyed the moment. Within the next couple weeks I was getting calls, which I ignored, from Daisy, Rose, and everyone else I sent the letters and invites to. I just texted them and said to talk to those who I sent the full story to in the letter. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now. But everyone did accept the tickets and will be coming. After 5 ignores I finally answered the Skype call from Daisy and Rose, but I made sure someone was with me so I knew when I might be overreacting. And the person closest and willing was Harry.

"HOW CAN YOU BE PREGNANT!?" They yelled at me. Harry and I just stared at each other until it was over. Then we tried explaining but it wasn't working. Then Lou came over and helped. After about an hour they calmed down, almost to normal, and accepted the fact. Then they went blabbering on about baby stuff. "Isn't it typical for god-parent(s) to throw the baby shower?" Rose asked. As if hinting they were waiting to be asked. "Well, I don't know. I guess that sounds right. I guess were following all the rules then right guys?" I asked Harry and Lou. "What are you saying?" D and R asked. "Uhm, I asked Harry and Lou to be the godparents." They looked shocked. Like I was SUPPOSED to pick them. "The child needs a god mother or mothers though doesn't it?" they asked. "I'M THE GODMOTHER!" Harry yelled at them. "Okaay." "Yes. And as my child's godmother and godfather, Harry and Louis are planning the baby shower. With a little input from me." "Ok. Whatever." After that the conversation went a little downhill. Hopefully our relationship was still great in person.

I remember when they were trying to decide the theme for the baby shower. "Guys it's way to early to plan a baby shower. We don't even know the gender yet." "Oh. Well." Louis said. Sassy much. "What do you WANT it to be?" Harry asked. "A boy..." "Then we plan a boy shower! And if it ends up a girl, we get to throw another party!" "Woohoo..." I had said. They asked what theme I wanted, even though they were supposed to decide, so I said Lion King. In my head I had this whole Lion King thing picked out, for the room, for everything. I loved Disney. So did Liam. Lucky for them I said they could come. Even Zayn. The five boys were going to be the only ones there.

BABY SHOWER~ Everyones flight gets in about 20 min. before the shower and Zayn and Liam are picking them up. So I won't see them until then, which is in about 1 hour. I decided to get dressed. Being the semi-fashion person I was now(Thanks to Zayn) I bought a small outfit for the shower. The shirt had a little thought bubble coming from the tummy area and it said "It's dark in here." Then I wore rainbow striped leggings, and blue high-top sneakers. Then I was ready. About 30 min. later Louis picked me up and we went to the place he rented to throw the shower, he and the boys had been there all day long getting it ready. When I walked in I noticed everything Lion King. "It's beautiful." was all I could say.

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