Chapter 14

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After a little while Kira had to leave. "Well, I have to get home guys. I had a lot of fun!" She had said. "Niall will go with you!" I shouted. Niall looked like 'What?' I just did this little shove thing to get em going. Hopefully he would want her soon. I feel horrible though, pushing him away so hard. But it has to be done. "Well. Who wants to go shopping for bedroom stuff?" Louis said after they left. "LOUIS!" I yelled. "Whaaat??" "Can't that wait? We don't know what gender, and we don't know what room!" "Well." "Lou. I PROMISE we will go AS SOON as we find out. Kay?" "Kay. Butterfly?" "Ya?" "Can I go?" "Where?" "To find out what it is!" "Um." I looked at Zayn. "Sounds fine to me..." he said. "I mean they're gonna know eventually right?" "So it is settled then! Lou and I will be coming!" Harry said. I just rolled my eyes and started cleaning up. "No Krysy we got it." Harry said as he took the garbage from my hands and handed me the bags full of presents. "Are you sure?" "Were sure." Liam said. Then Zayn walked up with more bags and led me outside to a cab waiting for us.

2 WEEKS LATER~ I have got about a week and a half before my next doctors appointment, and that time is going to be in Paris!!! EEEEE! Last week he surprised me with plane tickets. "I noticed you wanted to go to the Tower, and I figured we should do it now before baby comes." I just couldn't stop kissing him. Of course I was the one to give the REAL first kiss haha. He didn't mind though. It was perfect timing to because Liam and Louis were leaving too. They were going to go visit the girls. I remember Liam asking me what Rose really liked. They hadn't been together long enough for him to truely know. "AVPM." I said. "What?" "A Very Potter Musical." "Oh." a couple days later he came to me saying he was able to get everyone together to put on a special show, as long as they too got pictures and autographs.

PARIS~ First day in Paris. Zayn wanted the first thing we did to be seeing the tower. So we got to the hotel and I took a shower, then got dressed. I had delayed the shower so I could sleep in ^_^ I put on a striped tunic-like shirt, grey leggings, flats, turquoise heart earrings, an elephant necklace and a union jack scarf. "Don't you look gorgeous." Zayn said as I came out of the bathroom. I just blushed and looked down. "Hey, believe it. It's true." He said while lifting my face to his and kissing me. I pulled away, "Now you have to get ready..." I said as I went and sat on the bed to check my instagram and twitter. After about 20 minutes Zayn was done with his shower and came out another 10 minutes later dressed. He was wearing jeans, his obey hat, and a jack wills shirt. "Wow. Not baaad!" I said as I walked over to give him a kiss. "Thanks." he said laughing. After than we headed out and went to see the tower. Against my arguments, Zayn drug me to the top of the tower. "Wow. Its beautiful." "Aren't you glad I drug you up here?" Zayn asked as he wrapped his hands around my waist and set his chin on shoulder.

"I LOVE YOU KRYSTINE!" Zayn shouted. "Ow. That was my ear!" I said slapping him. "It's true, I love you." Aw. "Love you more." "Not possible." "Anythings possible, if it happens." "Hm. OK then. I LOVE OUR BABY MORE!" He shouted off the tower again. "You know. Everyone that heard this. Is going to have a field day." "Oh weeeelll." "Fine..I LOVE YOU MOSTEST ZAYN MALIK!!!!!" I yelled as high as my voice would go. "NOOOO!" Zayn said as he practically tackled me to the ground. "Whaat?" "You can't make everyone think you love me more!" "Why not?" "Because. I love you more." He said as he pecked my lips, got up, and ran down the stairs. This time, I chased him. I caught up to him and as he was on level ground and me on a step, I jumped onto his back. "Got you. And I love you more." I said as I slid off his back. "OK OK. You win." The rest of the week was amazing. We got back just in time for my appointment. Everything was going smoothly and the baby was healthy. We made another appointment in 5 more weeks, by then we will be able to tell the gender. Harry and Lou are too excited.

I know I'm kind of skipping ahead but that's because I can't think of anything to fill the gaps since the main thing is the pregnancy.... 5 WEEKS LATER~ Niall is actually liking Kira. He hasn't asked her out yet though. I'm hoping he will soon. Right now Lou is driving Zayn, Harry and I to the doctors appointment. We get out and go sign in, and sit down. After about 5 minutes a nurse walks out, "Krystine?" All four of us stand up. "I'm gonna take a wild guess and say your Krystine." She said as she laughed and gestured to me. We all laughed and followed her back to the room. "How far are you?" "About 20 weeks." "So we gonna find the gender today?" "Hopefully :]" I said as I gestured to the boys in the corner. The nurse just smiled. She took my weight and then I sat in the chair and prepared myself. "Your going to have a chubby lil thing! 20 weeks and starting to show." She said. "Chubby." I said thinking. "Chubby babies are the cutest!" I said, finishing my sentence. "Alright the doctor will be in in a few.." the nurse said as she left.

The whole 4 minutes we sat waiting we were anxious. We all wanted a boy. But only because I did. "Hello Krystine!" The doctor said as she walked in. "And company.." She said when she saw the boys. "So who's the father?" "Me!" Zayn said as he is raised his hand. She looked at him and me and back and forth again. "This gonna be one cute child I tell you that!" She said laughing. She lifted up my shirt and put the goopy stuff on my tummy ^O^ It was cold heehee then she started the machine and began the ultrasound. We all got closer to the screen as my baby appeared. "OK. So this says you want to know the gender of the child?" "YES! WHAT IS IT!?" Harry and Louis shouted. The doctor was confused. "Um. They're the godparents...also uncles..." I said. "Ah. Yes family members are ALWAYS more anxious to know what is is. OK let's see here...and....almoooost...Come on move a liiittle mooore...aaaandd... AHA!" She said as if she were waiting for the mole to pop out in whack a mole. "OK. Your baby is..."

"It is a BOY!" she said at last. "YAAAAAAY!" All four of us shouted. We also all cried. I got a picture and cleaned up and headed to make another appointment in 8 weeks. That would leave 11 weeks till the 40 weeks. Most kids are born a week in advance or a week late. "To the store!" "What for Lou?" "Baby room stuff of course." UUUUGH. "Fine Lou. But were not actually gonna do it right now. Got it?" "Yup." We spent hours at the store shopping for nursery stuff. I went home with Zayn tonight. I had been going back and forth lately. I just couldn't stand to be away from him some nights. "Want to go house hunting?" Zayn asked. I was not expecting that. "Um. Sure? What for?" "Well...I mean. Ummm. Well. There is no room for a baby in any of our flats and you can't expect me to not live with my baby can you?" "I spose not." "Good! I've got some appointments set up for tomorrow." "Alright."

We are going to see some houses today. Zayn told me to wear something nice cause we were going to dinner right after, so I guess we were going to be spending all day looking at houses. We found this one house that we fell in love with. It was the last house we looked at and we just couldn't leave. It was 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Had a huge backyard that had a small pool, and came with playground equipment. The kitchen was amazing. I have always wanted a kitchen like that. And, It was right across the street from the park. A 5 minute walk and I could be at the pond. We didn't even talk about it, we just put in an offer. It topped all the other offers by about 80,000 USD. We did NOT want to lose this house. After that we were so happy. And hungry, we had skipped lunch so now it was off to dinner. "Wow this is fancy!" I said as we walked through the doors and into the restaurant. "All the best for you love." Zayn said as he kissed me on the forehead.

ZAYNS POV~ We walked up to the restaurant. I was so nervous. And happy. We found a house, let's hope it will be ours. "Wow this is fancy!" Krystine said as we walked into the restaurant. "All the best for you love." I said as I kissed her on the forehead. We were taken to our table and served our drinks. "Krystine there is a reason, um, why I brought you here." I said nervously, And I was nervous. Just like when I first asked to see her again. "What is it?" She asked me worriedly. "OK. It has only been about 6 months since I've known you, a few days less I've been able to call you mine." I stood up as I continued talking. "And I've noticed some things, I love you, and I always will. I know I'll never love another so much as you. I don't want to be with anyone but you. I noticed that you carrying OUR child, only makes me love you more, not less." I got onto one knee. "And I noticed I want to be able to you mine, the rest of my life. I want to wake up to your face every morning. I want to see YOU cheering me on at my concerts. I want YOU to be the one. Krystine, Will you marry me?" There. I got it all out.

I watched as tears filled her eyes. I looked down, waiting for what she would say. "Of course I will." She said as she lifted my head (I was still on the ground) to hers and said, "And believe it. Cause it's the truth." Then she kissed me, a kiss that lifted me up and brought her up with me. I opened my hand and slipped the ring on mid-kiss. I had been holding on to it almost all day. We broke apart and she couldn't quit staring at it. I couldn't believe she was going to be mine. KRYSYS POV~ I watched with tears in my eyes as Zayn finished his proposal. "Of course I will." I said. The rest of the night was all blurry. I was so happy I could only focus on Zayn. When we were done eating we went to Louis and I's flat so I could grab my sweats and a tank top. When we walked through the door there was a surprise party! Everyone yelled congratulations and we all celebrated. What a night to remember...


I just have to anyone reading this? Haha If some people are I would love to hear what you have to say^___________^

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