Chapter 20~

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WEDDING DAY!~~~ The wedding was open at 5 for anyone who wanted to come early and maybe help set up, but the ceremony didn't start until 6-ish. It all depends on when the sun decides to set. Zayn, the kids, and I got up around 9 so that we could get ready to go help. We didn't get the kids all dressed though because by the time the wedding started the clothes would be a mess. Luckily, Lou was there so he was able to help with the kids. I was walking around carrying Emma, looking for anything small I could help with, when I ran into Daisy. "Hi Daisy!!" I said as I walked over. "Krystine!! Emma!!" I gave her the best hug I could with my arms full. "Can I hold her?" "Sure!" I handed Em over and we talked for awhile. About five minutes later a man, quite handsome, walks up. "Hey babe, getting ready to take seats, your gonna be up front right?" "Ya. See you in a minute!" Daisy replied as she gave the man a kiss and he walked off, waving at me. "Uhm. Who was that?" I asked. "Oh. Um. That's Tim, my boyfriend." She said shyly. "It's only been a couple weeks Dais!" "I know! It's just...he is so perfect. Not that Lou wasn't. I think I just got caught up because he was a celebrity, and cute. But. I don't think I really loved him for him." "I understand." I said. I took Emma back to Lou so that I could go get ready.

Niall was Liam's best man, with Zayn, Harry and Lou as groomsmen. Since I was going to be up there too, my parents had the kids. I checked on Rose. "Hey girl! You ready? You look AMAZING!" "Aw, really? Thanks!" "I wouldn't lie!" Then the music started. There was a flower girl that went up, then Daisy, then me, then Rose followed. The ceremony was beautiful, full of tears. The reception was also lovely. Around 9 the two left for the airport. Rose didn't know but Liam told me he was taking her to Paris for the honeymoon. After they left Zayn and I went back to the hotel to put the babies to bed. They were go cute, I don't know what I would do without them. "Did you see Daisy with her new boyfriend?" I asked Zayn as we ate dinner. "Yeah. So did Louis. He was heartbroken. I found him in the men's bathroom crying. Worst of all, her new boyfriend was in there too! He asked him what was wrong and he just said it was his ex. I felt horrible." "Man. I almost wish you hadn't brought them to London! But then Liam and Rose would be married..." "I know." After that we went to bed. We were leaving first thing in the morning to go back home. There was wedding planning to be done!

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