Chapter 4

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I laughed loudly at Daisy's reply. "What did she say?" Zayn asked. I tossed him the phone."Whaaaat?! How could she POSSIBLY think that Louis is sexier than me?" He asked me, pouting. "I don't know babe, personal preference?" He just grumbled to himself and and replied. The reply read, "What?! How could Lou possibly be more sexy than I, Zayn Malik?" After a minute Daisy called, and Zayn answered.They talked for about 10 minutes, well, argued is more like it. I finally took my phone back. "Hey Daisy, I'll skype you and Rose later, k?" "Alright! See ya girl!" "Bye." "What was that fooor?" He asked. "YOU! We would have been sitting here for hours." "Your right. I guess we should be off then." "Ya. Wait, where are we going?" "I thought we would see the boys today." "Alright :)"

We caught a cab and Zayn told the driver to go to a park. When we got there I saw the park, it was beautiful. We walked into it and there was hardly anyone there, Zayn grabbed my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine, pulling me closer. We walked further in and I noticed some guys sitting on a blanket with a bunch of food everywhere. "Hey guys." Zayn said as we got closer. "Heeeyyy. You brought my date baaack!" Niall said, coming closer. It sounded like he was joking but there was a slight tone of seriousness there. Zayn pulled me closer and wrapped his arm around my waist. Niall stopped where he stood, "Uh, nice to see you again." He said then he sat back down. I looked at Zayn's face and there was this look on it, like an evil glare. Then we walked forward and sat down. Zayn made sure I wasn't next to Niall. I was next to Louis, and Zayn next to Harry, Niall sitting on the opposite side. We all talked and ate the food that they had brought and afterwards we ran through the park playing tag, like little kids. We all ended up on our backs staring at the sky. "I don't wanna go home Zayn..." I said. "Then don't." "But what will I do. I just, I don't know. I could stay here forever but I miss my friends and family." "Then we'll bring them here..." Zayn exhaled then fell asleep, his arm still wrapped around me.

I closed my eyes, imagining staying here with Zayn, forever. My family and friends coming and visiting, growing old. Moving to a smaller town perhaps, settling down. I don't know what to do. I got up, trying not to wake Zayn, and walked over to the edge of a pond. There I found Louis, the only one besides me who wasn't sleeping. "Hey Krystine!" he said as I sat next to him. "Hey Lou." "What's the matter love?" "Ohhh. I don't want to go. I don't want to leave." "What do you mean?" "This was a vacation Lou. I have a week and a couple days left before I have to go back home." "Oh. Well why don't you stay?" "I want to Louis. I just don't see how that's possible. I don't have a job, no money, nothing. What would I do? Where would I stay?" "You could stay with me :) I'd be glad to have someone else, it gets lonely in my flat all alone." "I thought Harry lived with you?" "He did. But that whole 'Larry' thing, we decided it would be best if he didn't. He lives with Liam now." "Oooh. I'm sorry." "Ya. I'd say you could live with Zayn, you guys are a couple now right? But he and Niall share a flat and I've seen the tension with that. Not a good idea." "Ya, I guess we are. I know. I feel bad. I just...I don't know. As they say you love each boy, but one always has a special place in your heart. And, Niall can't share that space with Zayn. He just can't." After I said that I heard footsteps and leaves crackling. Then running. "Oh no." "He was behind us wasn't he?" I asked. "Yeah." "Well he had to hear it didn't he?" "Yup." "Thank you Lou. For everything. I would love to share a flat with you. The thing is, I already bought my plane ticket, and it's non-refundable." "Don't worry about that, we'll figure it out."

Love That Lasts Forever~ {A Zayn Malik Fanfic} COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now