CHAPTER SEVEN, tech rehearsal at el ray theater

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When the drama club members got back from Thanksgiving break they weren't expecting for the auditorium to be a mess and for firefighters being there

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When the drama club members got back from Thanksgiving break they weren't expecting for the auditorium to be a mess and for firefighters being there. But that's what's happening. Oliver stood beside Ricky, watching with wide eyes as he looked over the auditorium. There was dust everywhere and dripping water. He wondered what could've possibly caused all of this damage. And where are they gonna put on the musical now?

Nini was the first to ask a question. "Oh my gosh, what happened?"

Miss Jenn explains there was a small fire that happened and that no one got hurt. A firefighter walked over to her, carrying a burnt basketball. She told the cast's teacher the cause of the fire and explained how the costumes and sets got ruined.

After the firefighter walked away Miss Jenn turns to the students. "Okay, listen up. Hug your neighbor, let's take a moment and let's reconvene in the cafeteria after school to talk about options."

Oliver gets his phone out of his pocket, checking to see if Gina has responded back to the many text messages he sent to her. He was beginning to grow worried about her and her not responding back to him didn't help calm him down at all. 


After school the drama club members met in the cafeteria. "Okay, guys." Miss Jenn gets everyone's attention. She furrows her eyebrows when she noticed someone was missing. "Wait, where's Gina?"

"I think she's going through a family thing right now." Ashlyn replied as she sat down on top of one of the tables.

"Okay, prayers to our Gina." Miss Jenn nods. She stays standing while everyone else takes a seat. "I'm not really sure what to say. You've all worked so hard. I've seen all of you grow so much. But if we don't have a theater, we don't have a show."

Worried chatter filled the room after Miss Jenn said that. Oliver didn't like hearing that there possibly might not be a show anymore. She was right. They all worked so hard and now they're not going to do the show just because they don't have a theater? They should just put on the show somewhere else. 

"What if we look at other venues?" Oliver questioned causing the room to get quiet. Everyone nodded in agreement. Oliver smiles a bit when some of them even told him that was a good idea, and everyone started thinking of venues they could possibly use. There were a few suggestions thrown around, but it turns out those places are either condemned or turned into a Starbucks.

"How about the El Ray?" Carlos asked and everyone else was on board with him, but Miss Jenn was not. 

"Any other ideas?"

"Miss Jenn," Carlos looks at Miss Jenn with furrowed eyebrows. "I feel like you just had a really weird reaction to what I just said."

"Sorry," Miss Jenn apologizes. "What did you say?"

"Carlos is asking if we can try and use the El Ray Theater." Nini responded.

Carlos stands up as he speaks. "My Uncle Ruben is the listing agent, and the last thing they had there was a fashion show, like, four years ago." He then walked off to call his uncle.

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