CHAPTER EIGHT, opening night

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It was finally opening night for East High to put on the production of High School Musical

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It was finally opening night for East High to put on the production of High School Musical. Oliver had to admit he was nervous, but not that nervous since he has done musicals and plays before, and the part he has isn't that big of a part. He just wished that Gina would be there for opening night. All of her hard work she did just went down the drain. She deserves to be there. Maybe there was a way he could get her there.

"So, dad, do you think you could do it?" Oliver asked his dad who he is facetiming on his phone. His dad worked as a pilot which meant he wasn't home that much, but that also meant that Oliver could ask in favors like this one. 

His dad, Flynn, chuckles lightly and nods. "Yeah, I think I can."

Oliver grins. "Thanks dad, you're the best."

"You're welcome," Flynn smiles. "And good luck tonight, you're gonna do great."


"We've got mystery flowers, people!" Carlos announced, walking into the bomb shelter that night with a a small basket of a lot of flowers inside.

Big Red tilts his head to the side. "Why mystery?"

"There was no card," Carlos replies. "So I'm guessing dealer's choice." He chuckles. "But if I had to bet, I'd say it's for our leading lady."

Nini smiles, glancing at Ricky, but Ricky apologizes and said it wasn't from him. "Ollie, stop moving." Kourtney said to Oliver as she did his makeup. He was on his phone, texting his dad to make sure that he would get Gina there on time. "Sorry," Oliver apologizes, putting his phone into his pocket as he sent her an apologetic smile. "I just had to check something important."

Soon it was only a half hour before the show. "Okay, last touches, anyone?" Kourtney asks, glancing around the room filled with excited and anxious teens. "Speak now or forever hold your face!"

Seb furrows his eyebrows, looking at her with confusion. "Why? Where are you going to be during the show?"

"My beautiful babies," Miss Jenn smiles as she walks inside the bomb shelter. "Let's gather around for some housekeeping!" She looks at the many flowers in the small basket and chuckles. "First of all, who brought Versailles?"

Carlos shakes his head. "No one knows."

"Well, I suppose we'll just have to share, then." Miss Jenn said to everyone. "Oh, and, speaking of sharing, most of you know that our dazzling Taylor had to leave on family circumstances. Gina sends her love and support to all of you, but unfortunately he's on the East Coast, and won't be able to make it to tonight's performance."

Oliver gets his phone out of his pocket when he felt it buzz, smiling at the notification he saw that Gina texted him, saying she was getting on the plane. "And so, I have asked Kourtney to fill in her stead." Miss Jenn continued, smiling at Kourtney.

Everyone cheers for Kourtney as the dark skinned girl smiled at everyone. "So now, what I would like to do is, please think of a word or phrase from the show that expresses where your head is, or your goals for tonight." Miss Jenn speaks, looking at everyone with a smile. "If anyone wants to share?"

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