CHAPTER TWELVE, career fair & confessions

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"Hi. Thank you all for coming to rehearsal in the morning." Miss Jenn smiles at the group in the bomb shelter with her. "I know it's a crazy day with the career fair and all, but given all your behavior last week, I believe we are lucky to be rehearsing at all. For future reference, singing and dancing, good. Breaking and entering, bad."

Oliver was going to speak up to tell her they didn't break anything but Seb beat him to it. "Miss Jenn, we didn't break anything."

Miss Jenn sends the blonde-haired boy an annoyed look. "Would you like me to be the first?"

"I'm good." Seb immediately replied.

"Okay." Carlos raises his hand and everyone looks at him as he speaks. "I'm just going to say it. Zack Roy stole our Beast mask." He lowers his hand, looking at Miss Jenn. "Why are you not freaking out?"

"Because winners don't freak out, Carlos." Miss Jenn answers. "They rise. When they go low, we sing high." 

Oliver jumped, startled when she suddenly sings very high. Realizing he accidentally bumped into Gina, who stood beside him, he grew embarrassed and sent her an apologetic smile when they lock eyes. Gina shook her head, sending him a smile to reassure him he didn't have to apologize.

"That's one way to start the morning." Oliver mumbled.

Gina chuckles lightly and nods in agreement. "Oh, for sure."

"Okay." Miss Jenn smiles. "Let's rehearse!" She glances at EJ, who stood on the left side beside Oliver. "EJ, remember where you are emotionally. Belle has just rebuked your marriage proposal and LeFou is rallying the guys to boost you back up. Let's hit it."

Gina turns to EJ as Big Red and the dancers got to their places and everyone else took a seat on the risers. "Don't forget to start on your left foot at the top of the chorus."

"Thank you." EJ smiles a bit. "Anything else?"

"Try not to fall and break anything." Oliver chimes in. "Remember you don't have an understudy."

EJ chuckles. "That helps calms down my nerves." He sarcastically commented. 

Oliver chuckles and pats his right shoulder. "Don't worry, you're gonna do great."

"He's right." Gina nods, sending EJ a smile. "You're gonna hit this one out of the park."

"Thanks." EJ smiled.

Oliver fist bumps EJ before he follows Gina over to the risers. "Go get 'em, Biggie!" Ashlyn shouted, looking at Big Red with a big smile.

"Thanks!" Big Red smiles at her. "I'm all good."

Oliver sits on the riser beside Gina and slightly in front of where Ricky sat behind them. "I wasn't saying you weren't." Ashlyn continues. "Just know that I am loyally rooting for you, okay?"

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