CHAPTER EIGHT, surprise party for carlos

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Oliver had no idea as to why the main cast of the play (besides Carlos, he assumed this had to do with Carlos' birthday that's on Saturday) were in the barn that belonged to Seb's family at eleven o'clock

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Oliver had no idea as to why the main cast of the play (besides Carlos, he assumed this had to do with Carlos' birthday that's on Saturday) were in the barn that belonged to Seb's family at eleven o'clock. They all carried lanterns, navigating their way through the barn to the place Seb was leading them to. They had stopped in front of some bales of hay. Oliver stood beside Gina, glancing around at everyone. Gina and Seb seemed to be the only ones that weren't confused as to why they were there.  

The animals around them continued to make noises, Ashlyn held onto Big Red's arm, Kourtney kept looking at her boots to see if they were dirty (which they obviously were) while Nini was by her side, reassuring her they could clean them.

"Why do I hear sheep but don't see sheep?" Ashlyn questioned.

"Oh, that's Jimmy." Seb responds. "He has social anxiety."

"Well, I'm team Jimmy." Kourtney speaks up. "I don't camp. I don't glamp. I don't even sleep without a silk pillow case." Everyone chuckled lightly at her comment. A sheep bleated startling EJ. He jumped and let out a surprised yelp. 

"Listen," Ricky speaks up. "I'm sure Seb and Gina have a good reason for bringing us to his barn so late, on a school night." He glances at Nini beside him and Kourtney with a smile. "Not that I mind a romantic setting."

"Romantic is debatable." Nini chuckles softly and smiles back at him. "But I like where you're headed."

"Okay, so, we gathered you guys here tonight 'cause I've got this idea." Gina explains. "And because we only have 48 hours to pull it off, it's going to take all of us."

Seb grins at everyone. "The whole family."

"Aw," Nini comments. "You guys."

"So," Seb continues. "I talked to Gina, and we thought we could throw a big surprise party to celebrate the guy Carlos is."

"And a quinceañero he always wanted and never got." Gina adds. "It's a birthday party but seriously zhuzhed up. 'Cause Carlos is one of the good guys."

When silence takes over the group for a few moments Seb speaks up nervously. "Okay, somebody say something because maybe this is a terrible idea?"

"It's an amazing idea." Nini immediately said. "I'm in!"

"Same here." Oliver grinned.

"I'm down!" Kourtney chimed in.

Seb sighed in relief as everyone cheered. Ricky puts his hand in the middle. "For Carlos."

"For Carlos!" Everyone exclaims, putting their hands in the middle as well and they each raised their hands up at the same time. "Whoo!"


"And on the third count of eight, the wolves attack the Beast." Carlos spoke to everyone at practice the next day at rehearsals.

"Exciting." Oliver sarcastically commented, earning a chuckle from Ashlyn. 

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