CHAPTR SEVENTEEN, opening night jitters

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To say Oliver was nervous would be the understatement of the year

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To say Oliver was nervous would be the understatement of the year. He didn't realize how close opening night was and then it snuck up on him. Now he was trying not to have a panic attack because of how nervous and worried he was about tonight. To make things worse Miss Jenn doesn't have an understudy for Oliver or Ashlyn. You might wonder why that's important when they're both great at their roles. Here's the bad thing. They both got hurt when the main cast members tried to do the transformation scene during practice. Oliver has a broken wrist and a sprained ankle while Ashlyn has a sprained wrist. 

The drama club members were gathered in the bomb shelter, everyone was either dressed in their costumes and makeup or getting ready. Oliver was with Ashlyn and she was trying to calm him down.

"I-I feel like I'm going to faint or throw up." Oliver admits, feeling like his heart beat was pounding out of his chest and his hands wouldn't stop shaking. "Maybe both. I hate that I'm so nervous." He bites his lower lip, fiddling with ends of the sleeve of the yellow and red Prince's coat he wore. "I-I just never played the lead of a play before and I'm so afraid I'm gonna screw up."

A look of disgust forms on Ashlyn's face for a few seconds before she shakes her head and puts her hands on his shoulders. "Ollie, calm down. You just have opening night jitters. It's totally normal. You're gonna do great."

Oliver nervously smiles at her and shakily lets out a breath. "I hope you're right, Ash."

Ashlyn smiles, taking her hands off his shoulders as Nini walks up to them. Nini smiles at them, handing them each a card. "A little note for good luck." 

"I'll take all what I can get." Ashlyn commented, taking her card from Nini.

"Y-Yeah, me too." Oliver stuttered as he took his card. 

Nini glances between the two teens, noticing Oliver acting nervous and how Ashlyn was jumping up and down. "You guys feeling alright?"

"Fantastic." Oliver lied, faking a smile and awkwardly gave her a thumbs up.

"Operating at full capacity." Ashlyn replied.

-ˏˋAshlyn and Oliver stand next to each other, looking at the camera with worry. "We're screwed." The two teens said at the same time, raising their wrists that has braces on them. "The thing that they don't tell you about theater is that when your co-star falls on you," Ashlyn sends Oliver a look and he sheepishly smiles at her, rubbing the back of his neck. Ashlyn looks back at the camera with a fake smile. "That's just something you have to live with." 

"Miss Jenn got a little too confident after how good 'High School Musical' was and so..." Oliver's voice trailed off, nervously smiling at the camera. Ashlyn shrugs, a nervous smile making its way to her lips. "We don't have any." Oliver nods. "Yeah, but you know, the show must go on." Ashlyn grabs Oliver's wrist, showing their braces to the camera. "And these can't come off."ˎˊ-

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