CHAPTER SIX, who doesn't love reality shows?

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The next day at camp Oliver found out that Jet was back which was good to know he was back and he was okay

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The next day at camp Oliver found out that Jet was back which was good to know he was back and he was okay. But he was surprised to find how the barn was set up. Chairs sat in front of the stage in rows and a poster board with 'take a seat' was put up at the front by Carlos, EJ, and Val.

"Morning, guys. Come on in. We don't have much time." EJ spoke.

"Take a seat." Val smiled.

"Can we have everyone's attention please?" Carlos inquired while everyone started to sit down.

"Thanks for coming in early, guys. We've been up all night." EJ voiced.

"Look," Kourtney speaks up. "This better be good, because in here," She points at her head. "It's still last night."

"Same here." Blythe yawned.

"We've been working on a plan to save the show and give Corbin and that Channing guy the reality show style juice that they really want." EJ spoke.

"Sorry," Gina raises her eyebrows, looking confused. "Save the show?"

"Yeah, what are you talking about?" Oliver questioned, staring at EJ with confusion. He thought Corbin said yesterday that they were perfect so he didn't understand why they needed to save the show.

"He just wants a little more excitement from us. A little more..."

"He thinks we're boring." Carlos intervenes, interrupting EJ, and everyone gasps at Carlos' words. "He's actually missing our rehearsal today to scout out the kids at Deep Lake Camp in Temecula."

"That can't be a real place." Ricky murmured.

"But not to worry because we have a plan." Carlos smiles. "And it starts with five little letters." 

"Allow me." And with a smile, Val pulled the 'take a seat' poster board off the easel, setting it to the side and revealing another one. This one read 'the r.c.o.s.l.' 

Pointing at the board, Carlos grins at the group. "Watch what happens, fam."

Blythe furrows her eyebrows at the five letters, tilting her head to the side. "What even is that?"

"I'm not even gonna try to pronounce that." Oliver mumbled. 

"Ricosil?" Gina questioned, furrowing her eyebrows.

Carlos looks disappointed. "No. It's The Real Campers of Shallow Lake. The franchise I was always destined to join." He smiles, then he quickly corrects himself. "I mean, you were."

"Look, it's easy," EJ reassures the group. "You know how normally we act like regular people, we pick up on social cues, and we care about our feelings? But now that's over."

"Because the key to any great reality show is the three Bs." Carlos adds. "Bombshells, betrayals, and b**h slaps."

The whole room is filled with gasps at the curse word he said. "I can't believe he said that." Oliver spoke in surprise, his eyes wide.

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