CHAPTER ONE, camp shallow lake

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Oliver was so relieved it was finally summer

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Oliver was so relieved it was finally summer. With everything that happened during the school year he was ready to relax and have a fun summer with his girlfriend and friends at Camp Shallow Lake.

"You have everything you need for camp?" Noah asked his brother, leaning against the doorway as he watched his brother zip up his navy colored suitcase. 

"Yeah," Oliver nods, picking up his suitcase to set it on the floor. He looks at it hesitantly, wondering if he already forgot to pack something. "Hopefully."

Noah chuckles. "Stop overthinking. I'm sure you have everything you need for camp." He shakes his head, crossing his arms as he pouts. "I just can't believe you're going to camp while I'm here."

"It's only for two weeks." Oliver reminds him. He chuckles at seeing Noah's expression and he points at his brother. "You're the one who don't visit that much so really it's your fault."

"Yeah, I know." Noah sighs heavily. "But I'll try to visit more. It's just been busy-"

"With college and your music." Oliver groans, rolling his eyes. "I know. You may have said that, like, I don't know, a thousand times."

"Sorry." Noah sheepishly smiles. "I just feel bad I haven't visited you guys that often."

"It's okay, really." Oliver reassures him. "The fact that you actually want to visit us means a lot to us." After exchanging a smile with his brother, he glances at his watch to check the time and his eyes widen. "Oh, I need to leave now to meet with the others." He pulled up the handle of his suitcase to be able to roll it. 

"Alright." Noah smiles at him, fist bumping Oliver when his brother walks past him. "Have fun at camp." 

"Thanks. I'll try." Oliver responded and as he picked up his suitcase to carry it as he walked down stairs his brother went back to his own room. Oliver noticed his parents walking over to the door while he reached the bottom step. 

"Mom, don't cry." Oliver laughs lightly when he noticed his mom was tearing up. "I'll just be gone for camp. It's not college."

"I know." Harley smiles sadly. "It's just that this is your first time going to camp."

"I'll be fine, mom." Oliver reassured her, letting go of his suitcase handle to pull his mom in for a hug.

"Have fun at camp and be safe, okay, kiddo?" Flynn said to Oliver, patting him on the shoulder after Oliver and Harley pulled away from the hug.

"Of course, dad." Oliver smiles. He glances around the house, searching for his younger sister. "Where's Dahlia?"

"She's at her friend's house." Harley tells him. "But she told me to do this." She pulled him in for another hug, earning a small laugh from him.

"Yeah, I have a feeling that you just wanted another hug." Oliver commented.

"Maybe, maybe not." Harley shrugged with a grin on her face.

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