CHAPTER NINETEEN, the aftermath

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The play was finally over

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The play was finally over. 

Oliver couldn't believe it was finally over. He was so relieved it was all done, but he had to admit even though the play gave him a lot of anxiety he had a blast. And in his opinion, he thought he did pretty good as the Beast. Playing the lead role of this play honestly made him realize how great it is to play a lead role and he decided he will try out for the lead role for the next play. Maybe if he kept being lead roles or at least minor roles then he will get more confident. Thanks to the play and the drama club he has gotten much better with that. He would have never even considered being the lead role for a play a year ago and plus he only had a couple of friends. Now he had been the lead role of the play and he has friends that are like a second family.

"Y'all, Oliver's transformation." Kourtney gushed as she walked into the bomb shelter with Oliver where some of the cast members were at. Most of them had gotten out of their costumes and into their regular clothes and some were in the process of doing that. Oliver had his normal clothes on (which was a relief because the costume he wore for the last scene wasn't that comfortable), but he still had some Beast makeup on and he was holding the Beast mask. 

"Wait, how'd it look?" Steph, one of the dancers, asked excitedly.

"Honestly?" Kourtney shares a glance with Oliver before looking at everyone else with a grin. "Passable!"

Oliver scoffs, rolling his eyes even though he had a small smile on his face. "Wow, thanks for the great compliment." Kourtney chuckles, elbowing his side. Oliver shrugs, smiling at everyone. "I don't know about her, but I thought the transformation was great." 

Everyone cheered and clapped. Oliver and Kourtney walked further into the bomb shelter to join the others just as Ashlyn walked in. Nini was the first one to notice her appearance.

"Hey!" While grinning, Nini stands up and gestures to Ashlyn. "Give it up for our star." Ashlyn smiled shyly at everyone when they all cheered and clapped for her.

"Oh, you guys!" Ashlyn giggles. She tilts her head to the side. "Um, has anyone seen my boyfriend? It feels like I've been missing him all night."

Oliver smiles slightly, remembering the surprise Big Red had planned for Ashlyn. The others knew about it too, but they kept it a secret from Ashlyn. "Yeah, sorry, Ash, haven't seen him yet." Oliver apologized. 

"I think he pushed himself a little hard." Carlos commented.

"But I'm pretty sure he left a letter at your locker." Ricky told Ashlyn and Oliver pointed at him in a sign of agreement as he nodded.

"Uh, couple letters, actually." EJ corrected Ricky.

Ashlyn looks surprised at first but then smiles. "Oh, okay, wow, that's sweet." Even though Ashlyn did a good job at hiding it, Oliver could tell that she was upset no one knew where Big Red was. But he knew she would love what Big Red did for her. "Um, maybe I'll read them on the way to Slices." She not so enthuastically says, "Good show, everyone."

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