CHAPTER TWO, a very familiar face

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The group stopped near where the cabins were at as EJ pointed out what each of them were

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The group stopped near where the cabins were at as EJ pointed out what each of them were. "Boys' bunk, girls' bunk, mountains, ocean, and sometimes there's bears." 

Oliver raises his eyebrows with surprise, not for sure how he felt about the fact that sometimes bears were near the camp. While Ashlyn and Carlos exchanged a nervous look, Kourtney looks around nervously. "Got it."

EJ picks up his duffle bag. "Okay, I will see you all tonight for the big announcement." He turns to face Oliver with a smile. "Dude, come on. I'll show you and Carlos to the boys' bunk." 

"Awesome." Oliver smiles, he goes to follow EJ, but stops in his tracks when he realized he forgot to do something. "Wait, something's not right!" He turns around, rushing over to Gina with a grin on his face. He stands in front of Gina, cupping the side of her face and pulling her in for a kiss. When they both pull away, the two teens are blushing but they both have wide smiles on their faces. "Okay, now I'm good." Oliver commented, turning around to follow EJ to the boys' bunk.

Carlos glances at Kourtney with raised eyebrows. "How many days has it been?"

"Ten minutes." Kourtney replied. Carlos groaned while Kourtney whined sadly, both of them missing their significant other as Gina giggled and smiled widely.


Carlos opens the door to the boys' dorm and he and Oliver find out that two other boys were throwing around a football. "Hey," One of the boy's greets with a smile. "New dudes, catch." He threw the football at Carlos and Oliver, Carlos quickly moved out of the way. Oliver would've caught it but he wasn't close enough to catch it and the football crashed into a painting hung up on the wall, causing it to fall and the protective glass shattered.

"Okay." Carlos puts a hand over his heart, looking slightly scared as he glances at Oliver. "Constant danger and we live here."

Oliver chuckles, putting a hand on his shoulder. "It's just football. We'll be fine." He took his hand off Carlos' shoulder and walked over to pick up the football and then threw it to the curly-haired boy. 

"Nice throw." The curly-haired boy commented as he caught the football.

"Thanks." Oliver smiled.

"What's your name?" The boy who threw the football first asked.

"I'm Carlos and this is Oliver." Oliver waves at the two boys with a friendly smile on his face. "We're friends of EJ's." Carlos answers. "I choreograph, and I just peed a little bit. And you are?"

"Johnny, but everyone calls me Crash." Crash introduced himself.

"Hey!" EJ chuckles, pointing at the shattered glass from the painting on the floor. "First crash of the summer." 

Crash grins and laughs. "Guilty, my dude."

"Guys, I'm so glad you found the bunk." EJ said to Carlos and Oliver with a smile on his face. EJ had got distracted by talking to some of the other campers there on the way to showing Carlos and Oliver the bunk which left Carlos and Oliver to find it themselves.

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