Chapter 2

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Hey mom,

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Hey mom,

I know it's been a while since we talked last. I just wanted to let you know what my life is like now. Turns out, since my internship has taught me so much, I am going to graduate this term. June 21st, which is in only a few days. I know you'd come if you could. I know you support me, even if you aren't here anymore.

The guys are doing great; we email quite a bit still, and they're ready for their next tour. It starts in September, and I actually get to join for the entirety of it. Jason gave me a temp job designing t-shirts and album covers, and I get to travel the world like we always wanted to do. No, the guys don't know I'm KoalaBear722, the person that changed everything for the band. They actually inspired me to actually go after my dream, which I don't know if you knew, but after I designed one of their album covers as a part of their contest my junior year, I knew that's exactly what I wanted to do.

Emry is also doing great. She was in my Design for Consumers class this semester, and it was actually a really fun class. Most people find it really difficult, but I loved every second of it, since a lot of what I learned applies to my future freelance jobs. I've attached a few of my designs for you to look at. Everyone misses you and those fantastic chocolate coffee cookies, especially James since he would get all hyper for a few hours after eating a half dozen.

Anyways, I hope Tyler is doing well, too, and I miss you.

Love you lots,


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That's the way it's been since my mother died two years ago. Her email was shut down the moment it wasn't needed anymore. Tyler changed everything to redirect to his email, turned off the account, and it was done. Losing her has been hard on all of us; she always knew the right thing to say, do, and never failed to make the best chocolate coffee cookies for everyone. I mean, of course, it's been two years; I've moved past my grief, along with my step-dad and step-sister, but we don't pretend like we still don't miss her.

Signed, KB722Where stories live. Discover now