Chapter 6

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Hey guys,

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Hey guys,

So, I heard about the prank you pulled on the girls. Olivia told me. I am ashamed of all of you. I know today you can guess again what you think my major is, but I don't know if I should. All of you should be punished for what you did. Seriously, freezing the girl's bras? I'll let you in on a little secret: girls wear them for guys. If we had our way, they'd never be on. But, I'm sure you guys had a whirlwind of fun staring at their nipples for hours.

Are you guys getting any work done on your next album, though? Any details at all you can divulge to me? It's not like I can tell anyone.

Anyways, you guys have to wait until tomorrow to guess my major because of your prank.



P.S. I've finally made a dating profile, but now that I'm thinking about it, I'm probably going to take it down. I don't know that I deserve to date someone right now.

 I don't know that I deserve to date someone right now

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For one, the girls had that coming. They soaked our boxers in different colors of dye so that they would stain anything that touched them. Including our hands. And other body parts. And the carpet. Yeah, the girls were asking for it, if I do say so myself. And I'm dating one of them. Especially when they chose brown to be the color to dye mine. I have to agree with Alex, too. It was a bit embarrassing to go to my summer fling's and have blue staining just about everything and anything. Preach. Plus, playing games while having wet boxers on is not comfortable. It made me chafe a bit, to be honest.

How did I never hear about this? Hold on, I'm confused. When did the girls do this? Um, a few days ago, Hunt. Wait, did you not get pranked? No... The hell? Why does he get special treatment? Maybe because I actually treat them like human beings. I'm literally Olivia's boyfriend! That's different. I don't treat them any different than I treat you guys. That's not saying much, Hunt. I respect them, you idiots. I also didn't freeze any of their bras, so I suggest you follow in my footsteps to get in their good graces. You didn't even know we did it because it was after you fell asleep. Valid point, but not the one I was trying to make.

Signed, KB722Where stories live. Discover now