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Third Person POV

Third Person POV

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"Look guys! Our first comment on 'Wish You Were Here'!" Alex yells to the rest of the guys. He's been stalking their page since they posted two hours ago. Well, checking on it between games of Super Smash Bros. Being one of the oldest of the five members of their cover band, it's all or nothing with this song. His mother gave him a deadline at the beginning of sophomore year: if this thing continues to just be a hobby by the first day of junior year, he has to give it up. Trevor has the same ultimatum from his father. Huntley has it easy. He's in eighth grade and has a lot of time before he has to think about colleges and GPAs, although his mother is still a stickler for grades; not that he has a problem with that. EJ and Richard are freshmen, with decently high GPAs to begin with, so their parents aren't super bad about it.

"Seriously? From who?" EJ asks, leaning over the computer to see the name. "Anyone we know?"

"Not that I'm aware. Our parents barely know how to comment, let alone change their name to some random pseudonym. Our siblings don't care much, and I doubt anyone in our high school would change their account to 'KoalaBear722'. No one in our high school even really likes koala bears as far as I'm aware." Alex shrugs, wondering who in the world this person could be. Their high school is the kind of school where everyone knows everyone. Including likes, dislikes, crushes, but none of them have ever heard anything about liking koalas before this email.

"Click on the profile. Maybe they've posted some things," Huntley suggests, hoping for some kind of clue, but when Alex clicks on the account name, all they see is the same profile pic and an otherwise blank screen. "Dang."

"Should I ask for the email to contact them? Does that seem kinda creepy?" Alex wonders aloud, but no one opposes to the idea. In fact, they encourage it. Like the idiotic, immature teenage boys they are.

"Do it. Or are you too... chicken?" Richard challenges him, and in a whirlwind, he presses the button to ask for the email, and it pops up after a security check to make sure he's "human". "Oh. That was easier than I though it would be."

"Well, send her an email! Stop staring at the screen like a doofus and do something." Huntley basically yells at Alex, and he copies the email, before attempting to draft an email, but he ends up deleting every sentence he attempts to write. All seventeen of them. What would they even say? "Thanks for commenting on our video, we're creepers and want to know who you are?"

"Dude, stop over thinking. Why don't I try writing this?" EJ takes the computer and drafts a couple sentence email that just says, "Thanks for commenting on our video. Who are you?". Turns out, that is exactly what you say. Or what a teenage guy with absolutely zero filter would do. Of course, the email was obviously worded nicer than that, but that's the basis of the idea.

And, shockingly enough, KoalaBear722 replies only a few minutes later, while they're playing another round of Super Smash Bros. Alex doesn't check, but when Richard is eliminated, since he's terrible at the game compared to the other guys, he sees the unread email.

Signed, KB722Where stories live. Discover now