The meeting

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Shit! I say as I am trying to leave my apartment as fast as possible.
"How is it possible that I'm already running late to my first job in New York, great!"
I just came to New York around a month ago because I just graduated from college with a Fashion design degree but before that I lived in L.A for three years trying to make it but never did.
I applied to multiply jobs but none answered back so I decided to move to New York and see where life takes me.
I got a job at 'Salvatore Ferragamo' which is where my long time best friend Julian worked at.
That is probably why I got the job. I was so excited because I was going to be working under the head of Fulvio Rigoni and Guillaume Meilland, who are the creatives directors of Women's and Men's fashion wear.

I run out of my apartment with my keys and purse locking the door before I sprint to my car. I get to the massive building sky rise, park my car and make my way to the door and enter the building.
As I'm walking to the elevator I'm trying to put my keys back in my bag when I bump into someone.
I look up frantically just wanting to get into the elevator and say "I'm so sorry", I see this tall extremely well built handsome man who is looking at me with piercing blue eyes, and a scruffy full beard. I stop in my tracks and wait for him to respond.
"don't worry about it" he says, his response takes me out of my trance and I give him a sweet smile before I walk away and enter the elevator, I'm all flustered by the guy I just bumped into "why am I so easily flustered it's not like a have a chance with that kind of man anyway" I say under my breath as the elevator door opens.
I see Julian running towards me and pulling me to where I'm suppose to be.

'Thank god for best friends right'

We walk through a clear glass door and my eyes widen to the amount of people in this room all waiting for Fulvio Rigoni and Guillaume Meilland to come in. We are in a meeting room that has large glass windows on the sides and a huge table in the middle. Only a couple people are sitting and the rest are standing up like Julian and I.
Julian turns to me and says "What the hell happened that you were so late"
"Yes, I know I was thirty minutes late but look Fulvio and Guillaume aren't here yet" I say with annoyance it my voice.
"Your lucky they're usually late" he says matching me tone of voice.

Julian and I have been best friends since we met at a night club in Los Angeles about 5 years ago. I just recently moved from San Diego to L.A to go into college , and there I was the first night in college at a night club. I was totally drunk and not caring what was going on when a man came to hit on me and that is when Julian came and forced the man away. He basically took care of me that whole night. The next morning I got his phone number and we have been best friends since. We talked about boys, fashion and life until he left to New York to pursue his fashion dreams.

Julian nudges me on my shoulder and takes me out of my trance and see Fulvio Rigoni and Guillaume Meilland walk through the glass doors and everyone turns silent. It's deathly silent that no one dare moves because if they did anyone would hear it.

I start to internally panick as I have never been in this type of job before. My breath started to quicken and I decide to hold Julians hand for comfort. He notices my hand holding his and he decided to squeeze my hand reassuring me that I will be fine. My heart and breath start to slow down and I feel much more relaxed.

"Hey everybody and welcome to 'Salvatore Ferragamo' !" Fulvio Rigoni stars off "Welcome to the new hires, and hello to the senior designers, get ready to experience the most incredible experiences you will ever have. I am Fulvio Rigoni and this Guillaume Meilland, we are the creative directors for 'Salvatore Ferragamo' Now that the introductions are over, we paired each and every new hires with a senior designer and as an introduction to this job we like to give out challenges to see who deserves to become a Senior designer. " Fulvio says with a chirpy and excited voice. "If you do not qualify and fit in this department we will fire you and only a couple of you will remain in this job." Guillaume says with a much serious tone which leaves tension in the room.
Fulvio feels the tension and starts to talk again " and with that said, your first challenge will be to dress highly well know Lawyers for the cover of a magazine. You will have 6 months to come up  with several suit designs that will be due in different time periods. You should have time to design, tailor it, and make it. Now we will present to you the Men you will be working with. Here they are "James Bachanan Barnes and Steve Rogers'". Everyone started clapping, and that's when it hit me the man I ran into today was Steve Rogers. He was very well dressed with a tailored dark blue suit with a light blue under shirt, a black tie and black shoes. James was also very well dressed he had a light blue tailored suit with a white under shirt and black shoes. I have to say these men are extremely attractive. Then I feel a tugging on my arm by Julian and I turn to look at him.

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