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Steve POV

"Fuck" I say under my breath as I read the last message Y/N sent me on my couch.
"You good" my assistant asks me
"Yeah" I say with a frustrated tone
"Want me to stay the night" she asks with a slight smirk on her face.

My assistant Nataly and I occasionally hoked up, but that was all. You get lonely sometimes and needs are needs.

"No, you can leave" I say as a stare at the fireplace. I was working from home today as an exception because I was already having a shitty day.

Y/N was right, I had no business in telling Corey that she was mine but there was something about Y/N that made me want her.
Sure I've had my fair share of affairs and hookups, and at first I though she could be another pretty little thing to hookup with but after that text she changed my mind.
She was feisty and I liked that. If I claimed another girl they would fall at my feet ready to comply and do whatever I wanted but  Y/N, she didn't and I liked a challenge.

I had all this built up sexual frustration from her and lord know I could give Y/N a good time, but now that I am here I need to take care of it one way or another.

"Are you sure" Nataly asks me again with a lot more lust in her voice.

She starts walking toward me, and slowly takes off her top. Leaving her only with her bra on. She proceeds to straddle my lap and I feel myself getting hard.

Fuck. As much as I wanted to fuck Y/N. She has left me a mess. I needed someone and I needed someone now. I gave into Nataly's needs and mine.

The next morning I woke up in a better mood. Nataly was next to me naked in my bed and all I wanted was for her to leave. For me it was just a hookup but for Nataly it was more than that. I have known Nataly for about my whole life. We grew up together in the same part of the city and have always been friends, until one day she grew up and had feelings for me. She told me one day that she liked me as more than a friend and to be honest I thought I might have as well, that was until we fucked and the only feelings I had toward her were sexual. I felt bad because after, she kept coming to my house and crying asking me why I didn't like her that way.
I decided to not play with her feelings and stop until she became my assistant and she was there all the time when I needed her. I made it clear and told her that we were only going to fuck, no feeling attached and she agreed. Since then that's all we have been but I know she feels more because every time I ignore her  in the morning she gives me a fake smile and leaves.

'She new what she was getting into'

I walked out of the room and decide to workout. I'm no much of a breakfast person so I usually skip that meal.

I start working out for about an hour before I see Nataly standing there by the door and watching me.

"Nataly what are you doing" I say continuing my bench press.

She knows that she has to leave in the morning and not disturb me. So I don't know what she is trying to do now.

"Just watching you being sexy" she says with lust in her eyes.

I ignore her as I don't wanna be rude but I will be if she doesn't leave.
I can't tell if she feels uncomfortable that I did not reciprocate her words but she has knows me long enough to know she should leave.
I hear her footsteps and suddenly the front door slams shut.

I continue my workout and proceed to take a shower. I remember then that I haven't replied to Y/N's last text last night, but what should have I responded with. I don't do dates that's not my thing. Sure I was sweet and able to put up a boy next door persona but that was needed for my law firm portrayal.

Everyone who new me and my coworkers new that I like to tell people what to do and not be told. I'm a hard ass and many people quit because of that. Yes I'm sweet when you first meet me but if you work for me I don't hesitate to put you in your place and my nice boy persona is out the door.

You have to be ruthless, especially in the business I am so people respect you. Sure I defend corrupt companies and low end criminal shit but I don't do that, I leave those kind of cases to the low end lawyers who can do their job in my firm. James, myself and Natasha are the ones who run this firm. My name is on it because I had the idea and initially built it, but once it got to big to run. Myself, James and my long time friend Natasha offered to help. Since then they have the biggest roles in the law firm. James deals with the big Narcos who are willing to pay for our services. James knows the ins and outs of that business and if I say so myself I'm pretty sure he was part of it. Natasha defends black widows who kill their husbands for the money. Natasha was one of my first hires, when I saw her defend one of the top black widow cases. She tore the court apart and even made the oposites lawyer cry. She was a bitch, but a good kind of bitch and I knew she could be ruthless just as well as James and plus black widows usually have enough money to pay for our services so it's good business. I defend hit men or murderers who are celebrities.  That's what gets my law firm the most attention and the fact that we are not know to defend innocent people. So when the opportunity came up to be on the cover of a well known magazine, I accepted knowing the publicity it will get my law firm and the fact that if I looked like the boy next door next to James, the feds wouldn't look into us. We also pay them under the table to keep their noses somewhere else but the public does not seem to like us much. So we have to appeal to them so they get off our asses.

Once I got out of the shower I proceeded to think about what to tell Y/N. I can't tell her I wanted a date because I don't, but I want her to be mine but I have no idea how to do that without her lashing out at me.
I decide the best thing is to let her cool down for a couple of days but the fact that she was going on a date with Corey made my blood boil. I was frustrated and needed her to be mine now.

But all I could do was throw my table across the room out of frustration. I get my whiskey from my private bar and chug it down.

After a few hours I was drunk and it was 12:00pm on a Wednesday. It had only been 3 days since I met Y/N but she was so intoxicating already and I barely met her.

I remember her suple brown skin when I stoped her to get her number. Her beautiful brown eyes looking at me with innocence and her long brown hair touching my arm because of how long it was.

God, just fucking thinking of her made me horny and I shouldn't be.

I decided to tend to my needs so I got comfortable on my couch. I was already naked in my towel so not much taking off was needed. I took away the towel and here I go.

I saw the pre cum on my dick and slowly started stroking myself. I realize this is not gonna be enough so I closed my eyes and start to think about Y/N. Her sweet smile when she saw me yesterday. The way her brown blazer was open and her white under shirt was low enough to see her breasts. The way her hips moved when she walked away to get coffee. Her soft but sexy voice when she talked. The way her ass was round and soft like I could leave my handprint on it. I started stroking faster and began to close me eyes and imagined myself ripping her clothes apart when I saw her in that meeting room the first day. She had a tight skirt on and a short sleeve top that accentuate her breast.
"Fuck" I say as I begin to stroke faster and faster. I can feel the veins on my dick pop out as I am getting close, but I need more.
I imagine Y/N down on her knees looking at me with lust in her eyes as she unbuckles my pants. She slowly begins to take off my boxers until they reach my knees next to my pants.
"Y/n, please" I say as my breath begins to quicken.
She begins to lick my dick from the bottom to the tip and looks up at me before she puts my dick in her mouth.
"Fucking hell" I say. I begin to imagine her head boping back and forth and gags when my dick touches the back of her throat. I see myself grabbing her hair trying to guide how fast she has to go.
I can feel myself getting high and ready to realease.
"Just like that sweetheart, keep going" I say before I begin to stroke as fast as I possibly can and begin to cum. I try to make my high last as long as possible as my cum starts to drip on my hand allowing me to stroke faster.
"Fuck, Y/N , fuck!" I say loudly.

I start to feel uncomfortable from all the stroking and slowly begin to calm down from my high. My breath becomes slower and my head falls back.

"Fucking hell, I need her" I say with frustration.

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