Coping mechanism....Part 2

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Same day

Steve POV
I woke up to the sunlight coming through my room. I look down and see y/n sleeping in my bed with her head on my chest. Her beautiful skin was radiating a golden brown from the sun and her breathing was peaceful and heavy.
I get up not trying to disturb her sleep and put on my boxers. I make my way to my kitchen and realize I'm gonna have to make breakfast for y/n. I usually never have someone over long enough for breakfast and as I am not that type of man. I cannot make a good breakfast so I decide to go to a restaurant where I can get a bunch of food and have it ready for y/n when she wakes up.
This whole feeling on wanting to please and make someone happy was weird to me. I didn't know what to do I only knew it meant that I cared for y/n and I haven't cared this much for someone for a long time. I go back into my room and get dressed quickly. I call Ryan and tell him to take me to the restaurant. We get to the restaurant and I order a shit ton of things and come back out with 2 bags full of food , I enter the car and weirdly can't wait to see y/n's face when she realizes the food I've gotten.

"She's special isn't she" I hear Ryan say.

"You could say that"

He nods and continues the drive home. We get there and I see Nataly's car in the driveway, I told her that I'll meet her at the office today but of course she doesn't listen. I get out of the car and make my way into the house and see Nataly on her computer and she turns around.

"Hi" she says smiling

"I said I'll meet you at the office" I say back to her as I make my way toward my room.

"Oh, by the way the girl you had here last night, left" Nataly says which makes me stop in my tracks. I turn around to look at Nataly and my expression shows not a care in the world even though it kinda hurt that y/n had left. I put the bags of food down and press her contact number, as the phone is ringing Nataly speaks up again.

"Yeah, and she told me to not contact her. She said that last night was a mistake and that she wishes for you to not contact her in anyway"

I quickly hang up and I feel my throat tense up a little. I do not let any emotion show and I walk back to my room and shut the door.

I start pacing around my room angry, hurt, betrayed like what the fuck just happened.
I literally just planned the most romantic dinner for the first time and suddenly she leaves. I keep pacing back and forth trying to calm myself down.

I finally calm down and realize maybe y/n is right. I'm not good for her and I'm lying to myself trying to be something I'm not.
I put on my black suit and decide to go to work.

I leave my room and see Nataly's still there on her computer. I sit down on the couch opposite her and she starts approaching me. She straddles my lap and starts grinding herself on me. I grab her hips harshly and stop her. She can see my stoic look and how I'm not in the mood and without another word she gets up and fixes her squirt and walks back to her computer.

"Let's go" I say as I get up and walk to the car. Nataly is behind me knowing I'm not in the mood for games.

We get in the car and we make our way to the law firm. I see my law firms name "Rogers" in big letters. We get out the car and walk into the office. Everyone is silent as they see me walk toward the elevator. We get in and press to go to the 10th floor. We finally reach the floor which only has mine, James and Natashas offices. I see James waiting for me. I walk into my office and Nataly stays outside on her desk. James walks in with me and closes the door as he starts to interrupts the silence.

"You good" he asks not wanting to trigger me.

"Yep, what do you need" I say with the stoic expression I've kept since we left the house.

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