Salvatore Ferragamo

39 3 0

You walked up the stairs making your way to the streets of New York City.
Thing were finally going well.

Today was the day you would show Fulvio and Guillaume your Suit for Steve and Corey's suit for James.
Steve and you were doing great and you were finally happy. Lunch dates were the best things that ever happened, as you got to learn more about Steve. You finally felt confortable around him.

You did think about his confession last week, and your heart and mind were on different pages. Your mind wanted to run and logically get away from him but your heart wanted to stay. You did ask Nat if she knew. At first she was shocked that he had told you, but soon she said she did. At that moment you were confused as to how this was surprising to you but soon you figured that Steve promised he wouldn't do it again, and so you let your heart decide.

You made your way to the Salvatore building and went straight to Julians office.

"Hey bae" you said as you approached him, "where's lover boy?"

Julians eyes turned melancholy as he spoke , " yeah, we had a fight and haven't spoken in 4 days"

You quickly rounded the table and made Julian get up to hug you.

"What happened?" You asked looking at Julian sympathetically.

"He, well.... He wanted a break and I didn't want one, so he has been ignoring me"

"Why would he want a break?"

"He said I was a little hard to deal with"

"What!?... Julian you know that's not true right."

"Yeah yeah" he said dismissing you.

"Jul, Cmon I mean it! That's not true. If it was you wouldn't be my friend"

He slightly laughs at your comment and you and him made your way to the couch.

"Enough about me. How are you and your lover boy?" He asked.

"Well... everything's going great!" You say excitedly.

"Finally. I could no longer handle the drama" Julian says and you smack his arm which makes you and him giggle.

"Hi Bitches" Nat says entering Julians office.

"What are you doing here?"

"What? You don't want me here?" Nat asks sarcastically as me and Julian role our eyes with smiles on our faces.

"I'm kidding... move I want to sit these heels are killing me" Nat says plopping herself next to me.

Me and Julian giggle at her attitude today.

"Sooo you didn't answer my question" I say.

"Ah yes, I'm here because there finally choosing the suits and the competition is finishing. Fulvio and Guillaume have to have the suits picked and ready by today for the shoot. Soo that means this will decide who stays and who gets a promotion"

"WHAT!" Me and Julian say at the same time.

We both get up and I scramble to get to the office and perfect the suit before Fulvio and Guillaume arrive.
I finally arrive to Coreys office and immediately say "today is the last suit, we are no longer going to have other suits made, this is the last time and if we don't win then I will loose this job and then you won't get a promotion and-" I ramble before Corey says.

"Good morning to you too"

I role my eyes as my nervousness took over.

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