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I wake up at the feeling of the morning sun heating my body up making me uncomfortable. I open my eyes and turn around to see no one in bed next to me, but my nose quickly catches the scent of food. I groggily get up and immediately feel the sting in between my legs and the soreness on my wrist. I look at my wrists and there's a slight purple ring around them reminding me of what happened yesterday which makes my thighs just clench at the thought. I shake my head quickly and make my way to his closet taking a white buttoned shirt and putting it on. I then make my way groggily to his kitchen. I enter and see a pile of food on the table making my stomach growl.

Steve quickly turns around at the sound "hungry?" He says with a raised brow while I walk toward him. "I was expecting dinner yesterday you know" I say raising a brow and he swiftly makes his way toward me and whisper in my ear "I know you liked what happened last night better than dinner" before tuning back around to cook the pancakes on the stove. "Pancakes  huh, with that body didn't know you ate like a regular person" I tease as I sit on the counter next to the Steve and grab one of the chopped strawberry's.  I lean my head back to drop the piece of fruit in my mouth, "Stop doing that" Steve said and his eyes turned dark. I giggled at his reaction but nonetheless did it again, but this time I dipped it in the melted chocolate next to the countertop and sucked my fingers clean. Steve's eyes burned into me, while I did the seductive actions and the second I looked at him he said "if you keep doing that you'll be my meal for breakfast". I smiled and bit my inner cheek at his comment, and he just shook his head with a side smile at me and looked back at the pan.

I honestly wanted to eat so badly but seeing Steve cook in one of his tight white shirts and grey sweatpants made me extremely needy.

I then get off the counter and pretend to be helpful as I try to find the syrup for the pancakes. I finally find the syrup which was at the top shelf and it was the perfect trap. I could lean up to reach it while his shirt when up my body showing my bare ass.  I did exactly that but my plan did not go accordingly as I tried to reach for the syrup, one of my hands was grabbing the lower shelf shakily. That caused the syrup to fall sideways as the sticky substance fell directly on my chest and neck.

Steve laughs at my attempt and says "I did tell you to stop that, didn't I." I huff at his comment and turn to quickly go change when I feel hands wrap around my torso where the syrup had traveled to. I feel Steve's lips kiss the side of my neck sucking and licking the sweet substance, making me moan.

He pulls me backward as he continues to suck and nip my neck, and the all to well warm sensation travels to my core. "You're so sweet" he says huskily before putting his hand up my shirt against my stomach, where the syrup is, and travels his hand up to my breast. He rubs them spreading the substance around them making me let out another moan. He then takes his sticky hand out and begins unbuttoning my shirt from behind. He manages to unbutton them before he  turns me around and roughly pushes me against one of the kitchen island, kissing me roughly which makes my knees weak. I put my hands on top of the counter and I feel my hands tip over a bowl as it makes a loud noise and my hands become covered with the substance. I hesitantly put my hand on Steve's chest to push him back a little to get some air and figure it what I tipped over. I pull away and look at Steve's chest covered with whipping cream and I can feel the cream start to fall from the counter onto my legs. "Your a mess aren't you" Steve says smiling at my hands and body, and walks over to the counter on the other side where he grabs the chocolate syrup and I realize what's about to happen "No! Steve I swear look at me I'm already a mess" I say turning sideways to back up slowly with my hands up. "Steve please I beg you" I say and he just smiled and replies "don't you want some chocolate" while he waved the bottle around. "Steve!" I say teasingly and I look over and grab the bowl of  fruit on the table for us to eat, I grab a piece of fruit and threaten to throw it at him. "You throw, and I will squeeze" Steve threatens back and without holding back I throw the pieces of fruit at him. I start running around the table and kitchen as the chocolate syrup flies around the room and covering my body and shirt with chocolate.  I quickly grab the strawberry syrup on the counter and begin to squeeze it out at him before he reaches me and dumps the chocolate all over my chest. We both giggle and laugh the whole time before we begin to calm down.

I feel his index finger slide up the middle of my breast, coating his finger with the chocolate and he brings his finger to his mouth, sucking it clean making a "pop" sound. I bite my inner cheek at his actions and say "you couldn't help yourself could you?" With a smile.

"We'll when you look that delicious, how could I?" I giggle at his comment and he says "why don't you get cleaned up and I'll finish the burnt pancakes" I look over at the stove and see the smoke radiating from it. I let out a small laugh and nod.  I make my way to his bedroom and get in the shower.

I finally come out and grab another one of his shirts and find some boxers. I make my way to the living room and find him already dressed up in one of his suits. His hair was glistening like he just had a shower and he looked freshly shaved. He was sitting at the table reading the newspaper. I made my way toward him and sit down, the second I push the chair closer to the table he takes his eyes off the newspaper and gives me a smile. "Why are you so happy" I say to him, feeling a smile creep up on my face. "Just happy to be here" he replies simply, which made my smile break out, liking his sweet side.
I quickly grab the food on the table feeling my stomach scream for anything to be shoved in my mouth and I complied. The first thing I could grab were the chocolate croissants and quickly took a bite of one trying to subside my stomach pain from my hunger. Steve just looked at me amused by my actions. He doesn't say anything and just grabs his coffee mug to drink it.
"You're not eating" I ask as I realize he doesn't have a plate in front of him.
"Actually, Not a big fan of breakfast" he said shrugging it off.
"So why do all this?" I ask waving my hands around the table indicating to the large amount of food.
"It's for you"

"You think I will eat all that?" I say sarcastically

He shakes his head at me with a small smile and says "of course not dummy. We just haven't had a good track record with mornings"remembering his bitchy assistant last time.

"That's right" I say nodding knowingly.

I continue eating as he alternated between reading the newspaper or making small talk with me. It's nice and normal. It's domestic in a weird way and I like it. There's no one around us.

It's just us.

We finish eating and he speaks up "I really don't wanna leave you but I have the Photo shoot with your suit today" I unexpectedly squealed at what he said and he let out a small laugh.

"Oh my gosh! Yeah!"
I say excitedly and a second later I hear the doorbell ring and quickly look at the door.

"That's my ride" Steve says and we both stand up while we attract each other like magnets. "You have fun here okay and whenever you want to go home just call Ryan, he can take you home" he says as he has his hands around my waist and we glide side to side. "Okay" I simply say with a grin and give him a sweet kiss before he let's go and walks to the door waving goodbye.

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