The Date

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It had been 3 days since my last text with Steve. He hasn't even bothered to apologize after what he did.
My head could not get around why he acted that way with Corey and claimed me. We barely know each other and all I could do was think about him.

'Okay Y/n stop'

It's my date with Corey today which I'm actually super excited about.

'or I'm trying to convince myself I am'

Corey and I have had a great couple of days together in the office. We talked about life and occasionally flirted. We finished our suit designs and came to the conclusion that his suit for Steve was better than mine and my suit for James was better that his.

'Did I think my suit was better for Steve, sure but I wanted to be as far away from him and forget him'

That meant I would be working closely with James next week and Steve will work with Corey. I kinda felt bad making Corey work with Steve but I just couldn't face the man. I was angry and part of me felt that the second I would see him I would fall at his feet.

On Thursday Corey asked me to dinner for Saturday and I agreed, I gave him my address and was happy because I had to get over Steve somehow.

'What was there to get over anyway'

I got out of bed and decided to do some shopping and errands before my date which wasn't until 8:00pm so I had plenty of time.

It was currently 9:00am and if I wanted to do my shopping by eleven I would have to hurry. I got in the shower and rinsed all of my thoughts away. I looked outside and it was cold and rainy so I decided to wear some high waisted blue jeans and a purple petite crew neck fluffy sweater with ballon sleeves. I didn't want to do anything fancy with my hair, so I put it in a messy bun and left two strands loose on both sides of my face. I put on some light makeup and went to my kitchen.
I was starving so I made myself an actual breakfast. I made some fried eggs on toast and a smoothie. It was already ten, so I ran into my bathroom brushed my teeth put on some white shoes and ran out.
Once I was outside I needed to decide where I wanted to go first. My car was in the repair shop and honestly I don't need a car in New York so I decided to go there first and sell them my car. They gladly took it and I left to do some groceries.
Once I was done with everything I got back to my apartment and put all my groceries away.
I decided to sit down and just take a little break for the week. I have already had a stressful week of work and here I was always rushing to get things done.
I lay down on my small, light purple couch and looked out the window and took in the view of New York. Yes, my apartment is small but it was better than all the other dumps I've lived in. With the salary that 'Salvatore Ferragamo' gave me I was able to get a decent apartment. If they payed me any less I wouldn't have an apartment right now.
My apartment was in a good neighborhood and there was not a lot of noise around so it was always peacefully quiet. I really have to thank Julian for this because if he didn't insist on me moving to the same apartment complex I would have been doomed.
The apartment has white egg shell colored walls and my kitchen is made up of black marble cabinets and the flat surfaces around it being a white marble.
I had my bedroom separate while my living room was with the kitchen, which did not bother me at all. The bathroom was in between my room and the living room/kitchen, so if I had any guests they did not have to go through my bedroom but if I wanted to go to the restroom it was just outside my door. It was a cozy place and I liked the sleek expensive look. The marble was clearly wall paper but it still looked really nice.
My bedroom was a light purple color and it went well with the aesthetic of my apartment.

I decided to watch my favorite tv show which is Glee yes, I know it's corny but I mean the songs are great covers, well sometimes and it's my guilty pleasure.

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