Working things out

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I hear the clunk of my heals each time I take a step on the tile floor of the 'Salvatore Ferragamo' building, I keep my gaze on the floor trying to avoid as many people as I can. I can feel people around me either staring or near me, the whispers appear everywhere I go, not letting me hear exactly what there saying but loud enough to know it's about me. I make my way to Julians office and slightly lift up my gaze to open the door and I see some people staring at me like I was a fragile being. I walk in and see Jamie and Julian together chatting away, but that quickly stops once they see me.

"Hey, I've been trying to call you" Julian says as concern fills his head.

"umm, yeah I'm sorry" I say not only referring to missing his call, but for everything else as well.

"It's okay" he says knowing what I mean.

"Well, I am gonna go" Jamie says as he gets up from his couch and gives me a pat on the back. I smile back thanking him for leaving me and Julian alone.

"Soo" Julian says. "Sooo" I say with back.

"Have you talked to Nat yet"

"No, I texted her and she hasn't answered and I don't blame her, I was being a bitch"

He slightly giggles at my self jab and pats the cushion of the sofa next to him, indicating for me to sit down. I oblige and plop down with a sigh like teenager.

"You were never gonna tell me where you" He says, I quickly whip my head to look at him "I was, I promise- I was- I was scared and disappointed in myself. I wanted to tell you believe me I did, I - just don't know"

"How did Nat know?" he questions, finally looking at me.

"Well, when Steve and I slept together — it kinda broke me" He let out a sigh knowing how distraught I was "Steve is the first person I slept with since- that happened to me, so when Nat saw me leaving his house crying she helped me back to my apartment and she felt like comfort and I told her, She was the only one that knew besides the police and -umm my ex, that's why I screamed at her thinking she was the one who told Steve"

I said, looking down at my hands feeling terrible that I left Julian in the dark and pushed Nat away. He took my hand and squeezed it as my head fell on his shoulder.

"It's okay, you know I would have helped you if I knew, but I also know it was your choice if you didn't want me to know, so I'm not mad and do not blame you but next time I just want you to know that I'm here for you." He says calmly knowing how bad I felt "also i'm always going to be your sassy best friend, so you'll need me around to survive" he said nudging me a little which makes me smile up at him.

We sit there for awhile until
my thoughts roam and I need his advice.

"Ughh help me" I say as a tug on his arm changing the mood in the room.

"okay stop acting like a child and tell me"

"What am I going to do about Nat"

I say trying to figure out where she is, she is probably working like everyone else but I don't want to go to her office. I mean Steve will be there and even though we woke up this morning and acted like we were fine, we haven't really talked about what it all means. I tried to avoid coming to work and Steve told me I had to, which in turn made him laugh at me being stubborn. I left and he never said anything else so if I go see Nat I will see him, and honestly I want to see him but I need to make things right with Nat first.

"Well you can go to her office" Julian says taking me out of thought.

"Yeah, your right" I reply.

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