Coping mechanism....Part 1

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I can feel the warmth of the sunlight coming through the window and the sunlight disturbing my sleep. I turn around and with my eyes still close I reach my arm out to the other side to feel his body. I slightly flinch at the feeling of the cold bed sheets next to me. I slowly open my eyes and notice that Steve is not next to me. I'm slightly disappointed but maybe he's outside. I look at the clock beside me and see that it is 7:30am. I have about an hour before I need to get to work. I get up and suddenly feel the pain between my legs.
"I'm so happy I'm on birth control" I say under my breath. I feel the soreness near my core but the pleasure that came with it was worth it, I smile at the thought and slowly look around the room trying to find something to wear so I can go find Steve. I see his white shirt on the floor and quickly slip that on. It's big enough that it fits me like a mini dress. I want to look slightly presentable so I walk into his bathroom and see my reflection in the mirror, I have a bunch of hickeys on my neck and I pull down the shirt to see more hickeys down my breast. I slightly smile at the memory and how good it felt.

Not the time y/n

I shake my head to get those thoughts out of my head and start to flatten my hair so I look presentable. I leave a couple buttons undone as I want to look slightly sexy. I am happy with the way I look so I walk out the door and proceed to walk down the incline hallway we walked up last night. I slowly make my way down and walk into the living room. That's when I see a beautiful woman sitting down on the white couches. I slowly turn around when I hear a voice.

"Hey" she says

"Hi" I say hesitantly

"Uh- do you know where Steve is"

"You must be the girl he slept with last night" she says with her eyebrows raised.

I just nod trying to avoid confrontation.

"Well my name is Nataly, I'm his assistant, he usually fucks me when he can't find someone else but apparently he found you" She says sarcastically "he has told me to tell you that he thought what happened between you two was a one time thing! and that you should leave" she says with a slight smile.

What the hell

My eyes start to slightly water and I turn around quickly and walk back to his room and take off his shirt and slip on my green dress. I grab my heals and my lingerie and make my way down to the living room. The dark haired woman is still on his couch typing away.

"Why are you here" I say "why didn't he just kick me out himself" I say louder suppressing my shaky voice.

"Well I usually always take out the trash in the morning" she says sarcastically.

I walk to the door as fast as I can and take my purse from the rack.

"Byeee" I hear the woman say with a happy tone.

I feel the humiliation coursing through my body as tears begin to fall down my face and I slam the door behind me. I start making my way down the drive way and my vision becomes blurry. He planned a romantic dinner in a gazebo and that meant nothing. Was I just a stupid little game. James was right he was going to hurt me and I should have listened. I wanted to believe that maybe a guy like Steve could actually want to be with me. What a fucking fairytale I made up in my mind. How could he? He treated me like I was the only woman in the world. He made me feel special and wanted for the first time. I usually don't sleep with someone on the first date but he just had something about him. He saw me, and made my body insecurities go away and He let me believe something about myself that I've never believed before. Is this how he gets woman to sleep with him? He just makes them feel special and gets his assistant to kick them out the next morning. I start to tremble at the overwhelming feeling of betrayal. My dumbass actually thought he cared a little. Why am I even surprised, he even fucks his assistant.

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