No longer going slow!

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⚠️ Warning... there is smut in this chapter and cuffs are involved, so if you do not like that please do not read.

Xoxo 💋

Where to?" Ryan asks as we enter the black vehicle.

"Home" Steve replies and I look at him confused.

"Wait?! Where you planning to take me to your house today" I ask slightly shocked.

"Well I knew you were going to win and so I planned something special"

"You knew I was going to win?"

"Well your suit was the best one I've seen!" He says which makes me smile and slightly shake my head.

"So what do you have planned?"

"Well, you'll see won't you" he says as he wraps his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. I look up at him and he leanes in for a sweet kiss before he pulls away and I make myself comfortable and look out the window.

Suddenly the car stops outside this huge skyscraper and Ryan speaks up "Sir, before I drop you home you have some business to attend to" he says looking up at the building. I look up at Steve and he has a stoic expression, I lean away from him as he just gets out of the vehicle and disappears through the glass doors of the huge building.

I heavily sigh and became slightly annoyed.

"You're good for him you know" Ryan says looking through the rear view mirror.
I look up from my lap and look at the mirror and I can't help but ask "then why does he keep everything to himself.... Every time I ask something personal he changes the subject" I start to fiddle with my necklace and I don't break eye contact.

Ryan heavily sighs and looks down at his lap. Thinking he was going to ignore me I look away to the window before I hear "look, Steve has gone through stuff and it's hard for him to talk about. He told me you knew about his 'tendencies' and I've been trying to stop him for years, but it seems like you are the only one who has been able to stop him" he says before he quickly turns to look straight ahead and the car door opens. I instinctively look toward Steve and see his expression still cold and distant. He doesn't say a word and gets in the car, he totally ignores my presence and isolates himself.

I see that he is in his own world with his own conflict and my annoyance has grown so I just look down at my lap and turn to look out the window. The cars starts up and the car ride is silent.

We finally make it to his house and Steve opens his door and gets out leaving me inside. "Hey, I know he's acting terrible but please just be with him" Ryan says before I take a deep breath and get out of the car. I see Steve walking ahead of me towards the door and just ignores me. I quickly catch up to him and the door as he enters the house, I follow behind and my frustration is getting to me.
"Look. I don't know what the hell happened but your not going to ruin my night. You either tell me whats wrong or I'll just ask Nat to come pick me up" I say annoyed and angry. This was suppose to be my special night, where we were going to celebrate together but it seems like he has something else on his mind. Steve doesn't reply and he just looks down at his feet clearly frustrated, so I just nod annoyed and turn on my heals.

I feel strong arms wrap around my waist from behind and pull me closer to his body. He pulls my hair to one side and I instinctively move my head to the side. "I'm sorry" he whispers close to my ear which send shivers down my spine and he continues, "You're right, it is your special night, and I'll make sure to make it special" he says before slowly starting to nibble on my earlobe and I can feel his hot breath on my neck. He starts to walk backward and my body complies and does the same thing. "I'll make it up to you, I promise" he says before we enter his room backwards and his lips starts kissing my neck. I lean my head on his chest and I let out a low moan. He continues to nip on my neck. My body feels like electricity is running through it and my stomach feels warm as my legs start to feel weak. My annoyance fades as fast as it appeared, and the only thing on my mind was the pleasure he was providing with his mouth. He abruptly pulls back which interrupts me from my thoughts and makes me turn to face him.

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