The truth

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Hello Babes,

This is the longest chapter I have written so far, so buckle up and enjoyed the ride. 💋

"Ughhhhhhhhh" I groan as my alarm starts to play the annoying sound to wake me up.

'Time to start a new day'

I make my way to the shower and get into the Luke warm water. It falls against my bare cold skin and soon my body has acclimated to the temperature. My thoughts are all over the place. Not knowing on what to exactly think about.

The last couple of days have been great actually. I've been able to have a civil working relationship with Corey, it doesn't mean I forgive him but we can work together without me getting irritated which is a plus. Me and Julian have been having the best time designing our suits and really just having fun afterwork, even though at night he goes and plays with his boyfriend.

Nat weirdly hasn't spoken to us for the last couple of days which I don't think much about because she works tirelessly and is probably busy. 

I have had peace for a little while which has not been an easy thing to achieve since i've moved here. I do my daily routine which consists of waking up, getting ready, making my way to work but before that occasionally stopping at a Coffee shop to get some coffee. I'm not an avid coffee drinker but sometimes I need it to get me through my day, OH! and also I haven't had any nightmares, which has been god-sent. Part of me was actually starting to enjoy New York and what it had to offer, the whole drama has been part of my life for the last 2 weeks that I haven't enjoyed my time here, and I'm finally starting to see why so many people move here.

I figure out my outfit which isn't much, it's high-waisted denim jeans with a tucked white undershirt and a grayish blazer on top, I paired it with some nude heals and jewelry on my wrist. Corey, Jamie and I have been going to work together lately but today they decided to ditch me.


They wanted some couple bonding time, and so like the nice person I am I let them. I was not only mad at them for ditching but because they are a fucking cute couple. The more I saw them be all 'lovey dovey', it only made me think of Steve. I was grateful though because after our little club incident I haven't had many thoughts about him, before he used to consume my thoughts night and day. I felt settled and normal and okay? That was definitely a new feeling for me and I was no longer mad at Steve, I was just hurt. The conversation which was more like shouting, was good for me. It made me say what I wanted to say with a little help of alcohol  but it made me feel better. I'm kinda glad I slept with Steve though because I am not as scared to maybe sleep with someone else, I'm lying, of course it still scared me to death, but sleeping with Steve kinda made me get over that fear a little.

I walk outside and it's raining 'Great'. Don't get me wrong I love the rain but not when I'm going to work and people are walking everywhere in a rush to get to their destination.

I keep walking outside and buy an umbrella from a small store I live next to. I make my way downtown occasionally bumping into people as I so often do at this time in the morning, I can smell the distinguish sent of rain and some droplets have found their way on my face. I hear the sound of splashing when people walk on a puddle or the rain hitting the floor at a fast pace that it made a distinguish sound. I could hear the subway railways as I walk closer to the subway station. I finally make my way inside the station and thank whoever's above that I did not twist my ankles outside in these heals.

I walk down the stairs and find my subway card. I usually would make my way in if someone left the exit door open and not pay for the ride as so many New Yorkers did, or I would be lawful and walk through the revolving metal and scan my card. I never hopped across the revolving metal anymore because I did that once and I fell flat on my face, as I did not jump high enough. That was too embarrassing to keep doing so I decided I would just pay. I found myself walking through and being lawful as the exit door was closed. I made my way into the station and find the subway I need to be on to get to work on time. I wait there patiently as I always do and decide to take out my sketching book. I find a place where it's dry and sit down, I hear people walking by me and others talking on the phone or to themselves. I listen to the musicians playing who are trying to earn some extra cash, which  in some cases inspire my sketches. I start to scrabble on the pages without thinking, sketching things out that I've thought about doing in the past and some that just came on the spot. My sketches were messy at first, but the ones I actually liked, I would spend some time on them making them look presentable.

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