Fairy tale

90 3 0

Continuing the last part
Smut 18+

I need to get my mind off this date or I'll panic so why don't we watch Glee... yes Glee. I put on the show and wait until I hear a knock on the door. I keep lifting my phone to check the time it was currently 8:29pm. I kept watching my show and I know he won't be here on time.

None of my dates ever are.

I hear a knock at the door a second later and I check my phone. It was 8:30pm on the dot. I open the door and see Steve with a grey suit with all the buttons undone, he has a white undershirt and no tie.

This kinda laid back and messy look is extremely hot.

I look down at his hands and see he has a bouquet of white roses in his hand. I look back at him and see him smiling with the roses.

"I hope you like white roses" he says

"It's your lucky day. They're my favorite" I say with a soft smile.

He hands me the roses and I turn back to put them in an empty vase, I walk over to my kitchen and fill them with water and walk back to put them on my living room table. I grab my phone and keys and put them into my purse. I walk back to the door.

"After you" he says as I close my door and walk to the elevator. We get outside and he walks up to a black SUV and opens the back door. I look at him with wide eyes wondering how much it must have costed him to get a driver and this SUV for the night. I walk toward the car and get in. He walks around and enters the car. Without even saying a word the chofer starts driving.

"Where are we going" I say while turning my head to look at him.

"You'll see sweetheart" he says turning to look at me.

'That nickname will be the death of me'

I blush a little and turn back to look at the city lights out the window. They look incredible and vibrant. That's one thing I love about the city, it makes you feel  so small that your problems don't seem so big. I smile to myself remembering the first time I came to  New York.  It seems like Steve noticed and said.

"What are you thinking about"

"Just about the first time I came here with my family" I say turning to him. He looks at me indicating to keep going.

"Well My family and I came together to New York and it was freezing because it was early January. We had stayed in a hotel near the city. The hotel room was small and The bed barely fit. We could barely move in it at the same, we had to let each other know when we were going to walk. The heater was on because of how cold it was and my sister was freezing. We decided to go to time square one night, then we went to the m&m shop and made our own m&m's." I smile at the memory and turn to make eye contact.  He is looking at me intently with a smile like he was actually listening to every word I said. We stare at each other for awhile until I get flustered and look down.

"So what's your first memory of  New York" I ask still looking down.

"I'm from Brooklyn" he says

I look back at him with curiosity. I didn't expect him to be from Brooklyn. He looked so different than other New Yorkers I have met and also, I actually have never met anyone that was from NYC.

"You surprised" he ask with his eyebrow lifted.

"No! I mean yeah! I mean I just didn't expect you to be from here."


"Well I have never met someone who's actually from here. I've only met people who have moved here, so it just took me by surprise" I say with a sweet smile.

Sweetheart  (Steve Rogers fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now