La Discoteca

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For the last couple of days me, Julian and Nat have been spending a lot of time together. Julian and I usually spend time together during the day as we sleep in, make meals/desserts, and talk about life. When Nat is done with work she comes over and we either watch a movie or talk about her day. She always avoids talking about Steve but when I ask her she says she has been avoiding him. I didn't like that because I felt like she was doing it for me and I did not want to ruin her friendship with him or her work life. Regardless, we have been having the best time ever. We tend to drink a little wine before our fun evenings which makes it ten times better. We sometimes do Glee karaoke which is funny to see because we get tipsy and can barely mouth the words properly and Nat sometimes doesn't know the words so she tries to keep up. We have idiotic pillow fights which Nat always ends up winning because she beats the shit out of us. We watched marathon of movies and we usually all end up all sleeping in my apartment or Julians.

Today was the day that Julian and Natasha have convinced me to go clubbing. I didn't want to, but they kept insisting and so I gave in and I also wanted to move on with my life. We were gonna meet and get dressed at Nat's place which we have never been to.

"ARE YOU READY" I here Julian scream across the room.



"OKAY OKAY I'm coming" I say as I shove some dresses and heals in my bag. I already did my make up before Julian came which was the best idea I've ever had. I put on my white gold necklace that my grandmother gave me and decide to never take it off. From now It will be like my good luck charm.

I rush out of my room and see Julian by the door ready to leave. I grab my apartment keys and we make our way down to the train station.

We finally arrive to Nat's place and, WOW. She lives in a luxuries apartment building that we clearly do not belong in. We walk inside the tall sky scraper and go to the elevator. We press the floor button Nat indicated us to go to and add the security password that she sent us before we got here. We here the ding and the elevator opens to this beautiful apartment overlooking New York City. Me and Julian look at each other for a second shocked that this is where Nat lives. I mean, me and Julian expected a beautiful place but this was on another level.

We slowly make our way into the apartment and see New York in the distance flashing all it's bright lights. The windows were tall and wide that it felt like we were floating. The living room and dinner table were placed near the windows for the view, and if she didn't want the view anymore there are these huge curtains that could cover them. Her apartment is primary a white egg shell color with hints of black and subtle hints of dark reds. We keep making our way inward and I see the side stairs which can only mean her apartment is two levels. I daze into the fact that this is a surreal experience when I hear a faint voice.

"Y/n!" I hear Julian say as he is a couple steps ahead of me walking somewhere.

I quickly shake my thoughts and follow Julian and that's when my eyes see Nat on her mini bar making a drink.

"Hey babes" Nat says as she hands me and then Julian a drink. The drink is bright red and smells delicious.

"What are you trying to do kill us" I say sarcastically

"This looks like poison and smells like heaven" Julian says and he takes a sip from the glass.

"Baby this is fire!" Julian says and they both turn to look at me.

"Hey, if I get wasted I'm blaming it on both of you" I say as I take a sip of the cocktail in-front of me.

"Nat this is delicious" I say

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