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"Cmon let's go" I say pulling his hand towards Central Park.

"Hey! slow down your pace, or the food will get ruined" he replied

I keep dragging him with me, with a huge grin on my face. I look back at him and he has his 'stoic' look on his face but if you look closely he is giving me a slight smile.

I giggle at his seriousness as we finally make it to the large patch of green.

"What about here?" I say looking around at the people.

"What about over there, it will give us more privacy and plus,
we've been having lunch dates all week and you always get to chose where."

I saw his expression soften. Wanting me to say yes, He lightly pulled me closer to him and looked me in the eyes. He gave a sweet kiss before he pulled me to the private patch of green. I let him pull me knowing that I was the one always picking social settings to have dates; but he always liked the quiet and privacy.

We settled down, and It was quiet for a second as I took the things out from the picnic basket.

"Hey, come here" he says patting the space on his side.

"Hey! I'm hungry"

"Well if you come here I'll let you ask me one question." He said with A raised brow.

My movement did not even hesitate as I moved closer to his side. This week has been fun, we've been getting along well; but I do most of the talking and he listens,  so getting a question answered from him was an opportunity I wasn't going to skip.

I wiggled my self near his side and he laid the soft velvet blanket on top of my stretched out legs.

"Well what do you want to know" he said.

I thought for a moment trying to ask something that wasn't to deep but also not superficial. I really wanted to know about his job and everything he did, including the rumors of his firm.

Before I knew it, that was all I could think about, no other question was on my mind and so I said,

"Are the rumors true"

He looked down at me with an unreadable expression and then he looked  back up.

"You want the truth or what you want to hear"

I looked up at him as his eyes met mine.

"Pick wisely, there's things you might not want to know" he said, as my eyes moved back down to my hands.

Maybe I did ask an intrusive question. I mean the question has a simple answer, he just had to say no. Now my thought were running loose on all the rumors, ones were extremely scary and other were just immorally incorrect from my point of view.

But now I was curious. I wanted to know which rumors were true and which weren't. I guess I already found out about his persona, he was sweet when he wanted to be but he could switch that off like a light. I contemplated for a moment before I said.

"I want the truth". I gulped afterward preparing myself for whatever he was going to say.

He looked straight forward looking at the kids, couples,  and families  far away from us. "You'll have to promise to keep your cool" he said not looking at me. My body immediately tensed up.

Sweetheart  (Steve Rogers fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now