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I woke up and looked at my alarm. It was around 6:00am and a Monday. I woke up 3 hours ago because of another nightmare but I went back to sleep because today will be an eventful day.

I decide to have a shower and get ready. I get out of my shower and decide what I want to wear today.

I want to impress Steve because today is our date and his fitting, and I also want to show Corey what he missed. I'm nervous to see Corey again, what he said really hurt me and made me a thousand times more insecure than I was.

I decide to wear something casual but classy. It was cold outside so I wore a grey turtle neck knitted sweater dress, that stopped mid thigh and wore a black belt around my waist. The dress accentuated my curves but was loose enough so I could breath. I curled my hair into beach waves and put on some light makeup.

Everything was perfect, I looked hot enough for Steve and was able to show Corey what he missed by being an utter complete idiot. I went to my kitchen and made myself a banana and strawberry smoothie. I was ready to call Julian and tell him I was ready to go when I realized I basically kicked him out of my apartment and he is mad at me. I was not going to apologize, I have to big of an ego.

'I know I'm confident and insecure it's confusing'

I grab my purse and keys to my apartment and leave. I'm secretly hoping I'll bump into Julian and that will force us to patch up our friendship but he was no where to be seen. I entered the huge fashion building and my nerves starting acting up. I was so close to Coreys office and I did not want to go in. I was contemplating on letting my ego go and run to Julians office but today was not the day to tell him what happened with Corey.

I felt a hand slide around my waist and I looked up to my side and saw Steve grinning.

"Hey, wanna walk inside together"

I could tell that he knew I didn't want to go inside. I mean I was standing outside Coreys office for about 2 minutes before he came.

"Sure" I say with a smile.

He takes his hand away from my waist as que sees James walking toward us.

"James this is y/n and y/n this is James" he says with an expression I haven't seen before.

"Nice to meet you" I say sweetly while putting my hand out for James to shake.

"Nice to meet you too" he says with a faint smile while shaking my hand. He let's go and turns back to Steve with an angry.

'It looks like I might not have been the only one who fought with my friend'

I start walking due to the awkwardness and hear the boys whisper something before they start to follow behind me. I enter the room and see Corey on his desk looking down. It takes him a second to realize I'm at the door. He looks up and immediately looks down at whatever he is doing.
I ignore him and walk to my side of his table. I sit down and wait for the boys to come in. James comes in first and sits on the couch in Coreys office. Steve comes in about a minute later and sits next to James. They both look angry or annoyed at each other, it could probably be both. They sit there silently waiting for someone to break the tension in the room.

I'm starting to panick and then I realize that these grown ass men are being ridiculous. I decide to speak up so we can finish this fitting.

"Okay.... So me and Corey have decide who the partners are going to be. Steve will be with Corey and James will be with me." I state not knowing how the boys are going to take it.

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