My boyfriend?

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That night Julian slept over at my apartment. Ever since he left to New York he has been begging me to come and live in the same apartment as his. So when I got here I got an apartment in his same building and coincidentally on the same floor. Basically it's easy to sleep over with each other because the next morning we only have to walk a couple doors down to get ready.
Since yesterday I haven't been able to get Steve out of my mind and he hasn't texted yet so maybe he has come to his senses and realized how average I am.
I quickly take my mind off him and start to get ready for work. I get in the shower and when I'm done and wrap the towel around me and I slowly zone out and think of Steve. He was so sweet but sexy and the man was truly killing me. My mind kept thinking of him when I did not want to, that's when I hear a knock on the bathroom door and it takes me out of my trance.
"You good" Julian asks as I open the door.
"Yep, fine" I say with a fake smile, he seems to buy it and goes into the shower. I get ready and decide to put on a nice suit. I put on a brown structures blazer with a white under shirt and matching color pant suit that goes well with my brown skin. I let my straight dark brown hair down and brush through it so I look somewhat presentable and proceed to add light makeup. Once I'm done I go to the kitchen and pour me and Julian cereal.

'I'm to lazy to cook at this time in the morning'

Julian comes out and is still in his pijamas as he still need to go to his apartment to change. He quickly eats the cereal and goes to get ready. He agree to meet back at my apartment in 10 minutes. It currently 7:30am and we are suppose to be at work by 8:30am so we have plenty of time. Usually I would leave now because of New York traffic and take my car but I know cars are useless but I payed for it and I wasn't going to leave it in L.A so I brought it hear. Big mistake, last night when I gave Julian a ride back someone decided to rear bump me in the parking lot. Currently, my car is in the repair shop but I'm contemplating on selling it to them because I don't really need it. Julian comes back and we walk down to the train station and get to the 'Salvatore Ferragamo' building. We walk in and greet the receptionist and keep walking until we go our separate ways. I go to Coreys office to keep designing the Suit we want Steve and James to wear. To my surprise I walk in and see Steve talking with Corey, my heart starts to beat faster and faster and I can't stop it. I decide to let me presence be known.
"Hi guys" I say with a nervous smile. They both turn to look at me with sweet smiles.
" I'm going to get coffee you want some Corey" I say trying to leave the situation and also partially mad a Steve for not texting me last night or this morning he could have at least sent a 'hi'.
"Sure why not" Corey says and I look at Steve who has a weird expression on his face, I don't know if he is angry or pissed that I ignored his presence. I proceed to leave the men and go get two coffees, when I come back Steve is no longer in the office and Corey is looking at me weirdly.
I don't know what happened between the guys and it's making me nervous. I hand Corey the coffee with a sweet smile.
"Thanks" he says with a stoic look on his face. My smile fades and now I'm starting to get stressed, whatever Steve said to Corey has ruined my starting friendship with Corey. I'm angry at this point so the rest of the day me and Corey work on our designs silently. The day before we agreed that each one of us would make a suit for Steve and James and we would pick who had the best ones. It was time to leave so I didn't even say bye to Corey and I just walked out and went straight to Julians office. He was still working with his partner and he told me to go home without him.
I was in the elevator when Corey came in. We were the only ones there and part of me felt bad for leaving without saying goodbye but the other part felt like he totally was an ass to me the whole day and so I shall ignore him and it's like he read my mind.
" hey, look I didn't mean to ignore you all day" he said looking at me. I didn't respond and kept looking ahead.
"Look after your boyfriend came and told me to back off, I got a little intimidated as I did not know he was your boyfriend"
"Boyfriend" I say with a confused face as I turned around to look at him.
"Y-eah" he says with confusion on his face.
"He's not my boyfriend" I say with a calming expression.
Why would he say he was my boyfriend when we barely have had any encounter and now he was threatening people to back off like a I was his prized possession.

Which I didn't mind at all but still!

"Wait- he is not your boyfriend" Corey says with a side smile.
"Nop" I say with a smile
As much as I wanted Steve to be my boyfriend he has crossed the line here and I'm not gonna go along with it.
"Then if that's the case then- then can I get your number and take you out some time" Corey says with a nervous smile which makes me giggle.
"Sure, I'd love that" I say with a smile
He gives me his phone and I add my phone number. He proceeds to text me and shows me.
"Now you can get in contact with me whenever you like" he says flirtatiously
I giggle and shake my head and look at him with a smile.
I can't help but think of Steve and why he didn't ask me on a date yet. I look away from Corey and the elevator door opens, I wave goodbye and proceed to get to the subway on time. I enter my apartment and feel exhausted. I make myself dinner and watch a movie.
I grab my phone and see I got 4 texts, which is unusual usually I have 1 which is from my parents or Julian. I open the text and see I got one from Julian, my parents and Corey. My heart stops when I see the last number and I can see the first part of the text and it says "hey it's S". I decide to open that one last, as I answer the rest I open Coreys text he has told me how he misses taking to me and wants to have dinner on Saturday night. I agree to his date and proceed to open my last message.
Part of me wants to open it and wants Steve to tell me I'm his but I'm still mad from this morning.

Text Chain

+82973829207893 (fake number) *
Hey it's me Steve

What the hell was that this morning

Sure I wanted to be with Steve but I was pissed from this morning and I'm not gonna let a man walk over me.

I decide to get ready for bed and when I come back I see I got a text.

What are you talking about sweetheart?

What do you mean 'what are you talking about' ? You told Corey that I was your girlfriend and threatened him to back off!

Okay that's a lie! I told him that I wanted to start to get tailored this week instead of next week and he said no.

I wanted to believed Steve but Corey doesn't seem like the type to lie

What the hell! So now your gonna lie to me!

You know what, I don't owe you an explanation. Whatever I said to Corey does not matter anyway! you agreed to go out with him!

How do you know that?

It doesn't take a genius to figure out he has something for you and you have something for him.

I was pissed now, so you know what yes, I'll make him jealous and let him know I don't belong to him and that was his fault!

Well you're right I am
Going out with him because you never asked!

I shut off my phone and want to cry out of frustration. It's weird what I feel for Steve he's like a drug that I need and I can't get enough of. Maybe this is the last time he talks to me until we see each other for the tailoring and fittings.

I close my eyes and drift myself off to
Sleep trying to forget my fight with Steve.

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