Morning of

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"Matt stop, please stop" I said while I was on the floor trying to use my arm strength to back up.
I could see Matt's anger and his blood boil every time I would back up.

"M-att pl-ease don't do this" I said with a shaky voice and tears welling up in my eyes. That seemed to irritated him more.

He kept walking towards me and took the belt off his pants.

'Not again, please not again'

"Matt the neigh-bors are home and they will here me, please Matt jus- just walk out ok, I'll still be here when you come back" I say trying to calm him down.

I could see Matt's vains popping out of his neck and his expression was stoic. His eyes were bloodshot red and it looked like he did not know what he was doing.
I was terrified and couldn't stop shaking. I could feel the the pain in my arm when he grabbed me and threw me to the floor. I looked down to see them and my fore arms were bruised. I was shaking so much that I wasn't sliding back properly. His eyes kept looking at me like I was his prey, he saw how pathetic I looked and could kill me if he wanted to.

I finally reached the wall and could no longer go back. My heart started beating faster out of pure panic and I couldn't help but let tears run down my face. I held my knees up and buried my face into them and prepared for what was about to happen.

I shot up from my bed and put both of my hand on my sides to keep me up. I could barely breath and I could feel tears running down my face. I felt my clothing stick to my body from all the sweat. I kept my eyes closed trying to slow down my breathing. My heart was beating fast out of pure fear and I could barely open my eyes even if I wanted to.

Once I got my breath under control I look at the time on my clock and it was 4am. I decide to go to the bathroom and I place my two hands on the sink and lean on it. I look at myself and I'm a mess. My hair is all over the place, I have swollen eyes and a puffy face. I can see my hairs stuck on my forehead because of the sweat and I can feel how hot I am.

I decide to leave and go out for a run to calm my thoughts. I usually hate exercising but I needed to get out, my breath was calmed but I felt claustrophobic in my own apartment so I put on a grey hoodie and matching sweat pants and left with only my keys. I had a hair tie on my wrist so I decided to put my hair up.

How was it possible for me to have that kind of dream or better said nightmare. It has been years since I've had one. I guess what happened with Corey literally 7 hours ago must have triggered something.
I worked so fucking hard to make those nightmares go away and now they're back.

I decide to go and run around Central Park. I see how peaceful it is in the morning when no one is rushing to get somewhere. It's dark and calming and I only see a few people walking around me. I can see the city lights of the buildings still going on and letting people know New York is still alive. But here where I stand New York is not alive but has stoped. I can feel the cold breeze on my face and some of the leaves fall from the trees. I decide I have done enough running and sit on a bench that overlooks the water. I sit there for a moment without thinking. I just watch the water and the sun starting to rise. It's peaceful and after this morning I needed this.

I sit there for about an hour until I decide I need to go back to my apartment. I get to my apartment and open the door. It's currently 6:30am I walk over to my phone on the nightstand and turn it off. I don't even bother to check if anyone has texted me, I have no energy to talk to anyone today. I put my phone in the drawer and forget about it. I decide to have a shower to take all the sweat away. I stay in the shower for an hour until my fingers are pruney. It was so peaceful in there I did not want to get out.

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