Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The new routine was hard; Corbin felt like he was constantly being watched and monitored. School had now been let out for the holidays so the boys had had to make a few minor, and quote frankly, unwelcome changes to the routine. These changes included being checked over at noon and then at six o'clock, minor, but so unwelcome. 

On the other side of the coin, it had started snowing and that only meant one thing: a white Christmas. Everyone was excited and began looking forward to Christmas even more than before. With Christmas being so close (only a few days) everyone had been in panic mode, scrambling around shopping trying to buy the perfect Christmas presents. Of course it was hard to get presents for five other people when you're dependent on a driver. But they managed to get it all done in pretty good time. 


"So, how's it been since you've started talking to Luke?" Calum asked, stirring his coffee and giving Corbin an inquisitive look. 

Corbin shrugged. "It's been pretty good. It really is nice talking things through with someone." He confessed, leaning back in his chair as an unconscious reaction to get away from Calum's intense stare.

'He's not being too hard on you, is he?" Calum asked, "Because if he is, I'll have a quick chat with him." 

Corbin smiled. "Chill out dude; he's been fine." 

"Just making sure." Calum murmured, taking a sip of his coffee. 'He can get a little intense." 

Corbin made a positive noise and glanced around the cafe. 

It was only two days away from Christmas and the streets were crowded with people who were doing last minute Christmas shopping before all the shops closed. Fortunately for the two boys, the cafe they were sheltering in seemed to have escaped the frenzied rush. 

"What do you have planned for Christmas Cal?" He asked. 

"Nothing fancy." Calum answered. "Luke and Ash are coming to stay with Mum and me for the holidays and Michael said he's gonna come over for a few days." 

"Sounds like fun, but who is 'Ash'?" Corbin asked. 

"Ashton Irwin. He flats with Luke." Calum explained. "They're basically kindred spirits." 

"Huh. I thought Luke would live with his partner." Corbin muttered. 

"Yeah, that's what we all thought too," Calum laughed. "if you ask me, I think Ash and Luke are together." 

"You mean you haven't met Luke's SO?" Corbin laughed. It was a ridiculous notion that Luke's family hadn't met his SO. His eyes widened as he saw Calum shake his head. "You haven't? Oh my god!" Corbin ran his hand through his hair. "Does Luke know about your theory?" 

Calum nodded. "Yeah, but he says he has no opinion on the matter." 

"That's not suspicious at all." 

The door chimed as the door opened and the two boys winced as an icy chill swept into the room, accompanied with a young man with dirty blonde hair strode in. He glanced around, spotted the boys and walked over. 

"And here's the man of the hour." Calum said loudly. 

Ashton smiled. "Good to see you Cal. You must be Corbin." He said, holding out his hand to shake. 

Corbin raised an eyebrow and shook his hand. "I'm guessing you're Ashton."

Ashton nodded. "Guilty as charged. Luke sent me over to pick up the two of you; Harry and the boys have gone out to do some extra business and will only be back late." 

Calum nodded. "Okay cool; you alright with that Corb?" 

"Sure, as long as Luke doesn't think this is a good reason to have more deep discussions with me." 

Ashton laughed. "Luke has deep discussions with everyone, anywhere." He said, ushering the two boys outside. "He once started discussing a 40 year old mans sex life while standing in line at the grocery shop." 

Corbin chuckled and got into Ashton's car. "He sounds a little crazy to be honest." 

Ashton smiled fondly. "Yeah, sometimes he can be real crazy." 

From his place in the passenger seat, Calum caught Corbins eye and grinned, raising an eyebrow. 


After spending a few hours with Luke and Ashton, Corbin could confidently agree with Calum's deduction of the two being together. 

They were comfortable with each other that spoke of a deep intimacy. They gave each other secret looks when they thought Calum and Corbin weren't looking and were quite comfortable with physical contact. 

"Oh my gosh." Corbin fake gagged when he found himself alone with Calum. "They are so together." 

"I told you so!" Calum sighed, sinking back into the couch. "I don't know why they won't just come on out and tell us." 

Corbin shrugged. "I dunno, maybe they're only testing the waters and want to make sure of their relationship before telling the world." 

Calum looked unsure. "No, if Ashton is Luke's infamous 'partner', then they've been together for a few years." 

"I couldn't tell you I'm afraid." Corbin said. "Luke's the one with the degrees." 

Calum laughed. "Yeah, unfortunately neither of us are very good at reading people." 

"Hey, I'll have you know I am quite good at reading people." Corbin said, indignant. 

"Right buddy, I'll take your word for it." Calum chuckled. 

Corbin rolled his eyes and was about to answer when they were interrupted by a loud knocking at the front door of the apartment. Luke appeared out of nowhere and quickly walked over to the door, opening it quickly and exclaiming. "Hey Harry, we weren't expecting you for at least another few hours." 

"We finished our business early and the traffic was surprisingly good." Harry's voice got closer as two sets of footsteps made their way down the hallway. "Hey Corb, how was your day?" Harry greeted as they rounded the corner. 

"It was good," Corbin said, getting to his feet. "you've finished your business with the others?" 

Harry nodded. "Yeah, we're all done. Are you ready to go?" 

"Yup, I'm ready." He said. "Thanks for having me here Luke." 

Luke grinned. "It's no problem Corb, you're always welcome here." 

"Have a good Christmas guys." Harry called as the two of them left the apartment. 

"So, what did you guys do while I was with Cal?" Corbin asked. He got into the passengers seat of Harry's car and waited as he got the engine running. 

"Wouldn't you like to know." Harry teased, giving him a cheeky smile.

"Actually yes, that's why I asked." Corbin answered, his tone going a little snippy. 

"Okay calm down." Harry said. "I can't tell you right now, but I promise you'll know soon." 

Corbin seemed to accept the explanation and sat back, inwardly buzzing with anticipation. 

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