Chapter Thirteen

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Hi everyone!!!

Thank you all soo much for two hundred reads!!! I love you all! <3

It had been two days since Mitch had left to go live with the Parks, and in that short space of time, everyone had noticed the way Corbin seemed to withdraw into himself. He left early for school and when he came back he went straight up to his room, only coming down to get a plate of food and to put it in the sink afterwards. He kept his head down and ignored the boys, pretending he didn't see their pitying looks. 

Zayn sighed as he watched Corbin retreat up to his room. "I think someone needs to talk to Corbin." He announced. 

Harry nodded his head in agreement. "I agree, we haven't seen him much in two days, I'm getting pretty concerned." 

Louis agreed as he stabbed a piece of his steak with his fork. "Uh-huh, he's really quiet in my class, way more than normal and he just stares out the window." 

"To be fair though," Liam cut in, "his little brother is gone, he probably feels like he has no one on which to lean." 

Niall looked at him, impressed. "Wow, words of wisdom from the doctor, but I do agree with Zayn, someone needs to talk to him." 

"I think Zayn should do it." Harry suggested, glaring at Niall and swatting his hand away when he tried to pinch one of his chips. "He trusts you more than us, that much is obvious." 

Zayn nodded thoughtfully. He agreed with the boys, Corbin definitely trusted him more. He put that down to the fact that he had to nurse the boy back to health from that bad spout of the common cold.  "I'll give it a try." He finally agreed. "But don't get your hopes up too high, most normal teenagers don't talk about their issues, and Corbin is way above the normal mark." 

"Just do your best." Louis said. 

They quickly finished their meal, and while the boys cleaned up the kitchen, Zayn made his way to Corbin's room. He knocked on the door and waited for a reply. 

When he didn't got one, he softly called out, "Corbin? Are you in there buddy?" He listened closely for a moment and heard someone shuffling about. "Listen, I know that this is really, really hard for you, and I know that you're dealing with a lot of different emotions at the moment but don't lock yourself away." Zayn pleaded through the door. "I understand that you don't trust us yet, but I wanna try to earn your trust if you'll let me." 

There was silence for a moment before Corbin's soft voice floated through the door. "Zayn, please just leave me alone." His voice was shaky and weak. "I need to be alone." 

"Buddy, I know how you feel." Zayn explained, "When I was your age, my father took my three little sisters away and moved to America." He leant his forehead against the door. It was still even now a touchy topic for him, he had so much pent up anger from his father and had dangerous thoughts all throughout that time in his life. Having the boys as his friends had helped his a lot, especially when his thoughts had grown too dangerous for him to keep in his head. 

"What happened?" Corbin asked, his voice still shaky, but laced with curiosity now. 

"Well, for a while afterwards I was so angry at my father and a few times I tried to commit suicide." Zayn confessed, "I felt like I had nothing to live for since my sisters, whom I loved the most, had been taken. But then one time while I was in the hospital on suicide watch, Liam arranged a call with my sisters and I realized while talking to them that they loved it so much in America and were happy there, much happier than they could be here." 

"Mitch might not be happy though." He hardly heard Corbin's soft voice. 

"Have you tried calling him?" Zayn asked gently. 

There was a soft sob. "Yes, I tried yesterday and today, he didn't answer." 

"I'm sorry buddy." Zayn murmured, different scenarios racing through his head trying to figure out why Mitch wouldn't be answering his brothers calls. He shook his head and asked, "Do you wanna come down and watch a movie with me and the lads?" 

Corbin sniffed and replied, "No, no I don't want to." 

Letting out a breath, Zayn nodded. "Okay then, be careful and just know that I'm always here to talk to." He waited for a bit, then left when he didn't hear anything more. 

He found the other boys in the lounge with a movie playing, so he flopped onto the couch next to Niall with a defeated huff. Liam paused the movie and turned to Zayn. 


Zayn ran his hands over his face and answered. "He's missing Mitch, though what would you expect? They were basically attached at the hip." 

"Has he tried calling?" Harry asked, chewing on his bottom lip. 

Zayn nodded, "Apparently Mitch hasn't been answering." 

"Well shit." Niall blurted out. 

With a tired sigh, Zayn agreed. "I couldn't have said it better." 

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