Chapter Twenty

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True to his word, Corbin explained to Harry why he had freaked out. Harry was concerned by the fact that the situation had never been reported to the police or even on Corbin's file. He assured Corbin that he would tell Lou so she could put it on record to make sure the incident wouldn't get repeated. Like Zayn, Harry was a bit apprehensive about Corbin going to this couple now that he knew about the incident, but Corbin assured him that he would be fine and that it might actually benefit him. 

The night before he left, Corbin was tense and in a bad mood. He played with his food and didn't say much. It was understandable, and the boys didn't try to make him talk. 

He left the table early to go sit on the steps at the back door. The cool winter wind that was blowing made him shiver. He wrapped his arms around himself and lost himself to his thoughts. He would be lying if he said that he wasn't nervous and terrified at what tomorrow will hold, he did think that it would be a positive experience, but that didn't mean that his hidden demons were creeping out into the open. His hands started shaking so he placed them under his thighs, swearing softly. 

The back door opened then and someone stepped out and sat beside him. 

"So, what are you thinking?" 

Corbin glanced over to see Liam sitting beside him with a small smile. He shrugged lightly. "I don't know, nothing much." 

Liam nodded, "Yeah, I get that." He sighed and looked around, watching as the stars slowly started coming out. "How do you feel about leaving tomorrow?" He asked. 

Corbin sighed, "Hm, I don't know, I guess I'm really nervous." He answered, "I haven't had a good experience with a gay couple in the past so." 

"Well, maybe this will be a good experience then." Liam suggested with a grin. 

Corbin cracked a smile. "Yeah maybe." He didn't say anything else, instead trying to focus on the sounds that surrounded them, and the cold wind that buffeted them. He didn't actually want to leave. He was settling in here really well and enjoyed the boys company. 

They sat out for about an hour before Liam got to his feet and stretched. "Well, it's getting late, let's head back in." He held out a hand to Corbin, who hesitated before taking it. Liam pulled him to his feet and patted him on the shoulder. 'How about we watch a movie?" He suggested, "spend the last night here relaxing." 

Corbin smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I think that would be fun." 


Lou sat in her chair with a sigh and smiled tiredly at her friend, Irma. 

"Hey Irma, how are you doing?" 

Irma looked up and grinned, "I'm doing well Lou, while you look like you could use a few hours of sleep." 

Lou chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, I stayed up late last night finalizing a case." 

Irma nodded and stretched. "So, how's the case with Corbin going?" 

"It's going." Lou responded, "Finally got him a home that looks to be pretty permanent." 

Irma grinned. "That's always good, I love it when these kids find a good home." 

Lou nodded in agreement and glanced at the clock. There was still at least thirty minutes or so until Corbin was meant to arrive, so she started working on other things so that the time pretty much flew by. 

A knock sounded on the door and Walter McCall from reception stuck his head in. "Hey Lou, Corbin's here." 

Lou glanced up and smiled. "Thanks Walter, I'll be right there." She gathered her things together. "See ya later Irma." She called as she left the room. 

She walked into the reception area and saw a ten-year-old brunette boy sitting by himself on one of the plastic chairs lining the wall. Her eyebrows furrowed as she glanced around, looking for a red-haired fifteen year old. 

"Hey Walter," She went over to the reception desk. "I thought you said Corbin was here." 

Walter half-smiled. "Yes Lou, he's right there." He pointed to the boy. 

"No no no," Lou said impatiently. "I thought you said that Corbin Savitt needed to be here, that is not him." She gestured to the boy behind them. 

Walter shook his head, an amused look on his face. "No, Corbin Selch needs to be here, and that is him." 

A conflicted look passed Lou's face. "You mean that Corbin Savitt, fifteen year old, red head, isn't going anywhere?" She asked incredulous. "I had paper work to shop that he was." 

Walter shook his head, "Then you've got wrong paper work, I've never met this Corbin Savitt." He handed her a file, which she snatched from his hands and quickly read. Her eyes widened comically. 

"Excuse me Walter, I have to make a call." She blurted, hurrying away and pulling her phone from her bag, at the same time speed dialing Harry. 

"Ellow?" He answered, sounding a little stressed and annoyed. 

"Hey Harry, I have something to tell you," Lou said. "there seemed to be a mix up in the files, your Corbin isn't going anywhere." 

There was silence on the other end of the phone. "Come again." There was a softer tone to his voice now. 

"The papers had somehow been switched, it's a Corbin Selch that is going to this family, not Corbin Savitt." 

"Oh my god, god." Harry sounded relieved. "Thank God."  

"Is everything okay?" She asked, now slightly concerned. 

"Yeah, we just had a situation with Corbin, but it'll all be fine now that he's meant to be staying." There was another beat of silence and she heard him talk to someone else, that sounded like Louis. "Thanks for that Lou." 

Lou smiled softly. "No problem Harry, I actually do want to talk to you and the boys later, maybe tomorrow if that works?" 

"Yeah, yeah that would be fine." There was another silence. "Okay Lou, thanks for everything." 

"No worries, bye Harry." She hung up and sighed with a smile. She knew what she had to do now. 

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