Chapter Three

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Corbin felt panic hit him hard when he saw Mitch holding tightly onto, who he assumed was Mr. Tomlinson. He was holding Mitch back equally as tight. Panic flooded into him because he was hurting Mitch!

Without thinking about what he was doing, Corbin leapt forward, and ripped Mitch from his grip. He backed them up as far away from the boys as possible.

"Corbin, what the hell?" Mitch groaned, attempting to twist from his brothers grip. "he wasn't hurting me."

"Louis would never hurt you or Mitch, Corbin." Harry gently said.

"Thats right, none of us would." Louis said.

Corbin squeezed his eyes shut, let out a breath, and tried to calm his racing heart down. He loosed his grip on Mitch and straightened.

"So uh, boys, this is Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Louis," Harry introduced. "lads, this is Corbin and Mitch."

Niall smiled brightly at them. "Good to meet you boys, how about I show you to your room."

Mitch nodded enthusiasticly and grabbed Corbin's arm. As they left with Niall, Zayn let out a breath.

"That was unexpected."

Harry laid his keys onto the island and nodded. "I got an additional file from Lou that we have to read tonight."

Liam nodded and then turned his attention to Louis. "So Louis, how do you know Mitch?"

"Mitch, uh, one of my friends had to take him in for a while until they could find him a proper place." Louis responded. "He and I got along really well, it was awful when he had to leave."

The sound of Niall and the boys returning broke off their conversation. Mitch was rather happily chatting with Niall, while Corbin was radiating tension and distrust.

So boys," Zayn said smiling, "we're having spaghetti bolognaise for dinner, is that okay?"

Corbin and Mitch met each others eyes, "Uh," Corbin briefly met Zayn's gaze before looking down at his hands. "Mitch is allergic to tomatoes."

"That's okay," Harry responded, moving to the fridge, "Mitch, how do you feel about a creamy mushroom sauce with spaghetti?"

Mitch smiled and nodded, "Yes please, if it's no bother." he hastily added.

"No bother at all kid." Harry answered.

About fifteen minutes later they were sitting at the table eating their food.

"So boys," Harry started, "Lou said that while you're here you're going to go to the local schools, 'kay?"

Mitch immediately perked up and nodded. "That's great, we get to go back to school Corb!"

Corbin hummed his acknowledgement but kept his eyes down. He had eaten about two mouthfuls but was now just playing with the rest.

"Corbin, could you please eat a bit more?" Zayn asked.

Corbin refused look up and said, "I'm not hungry."

Liam and Zayn looked at each other, the doctor and nurse inside of them not exactly happy with that.

"Could you please eat a few more mouthfuls?" Liam pressed.

Corbin tensed and slowly looked up, red hair falling over bottle green eyes. "If I could, don't you think I would?" he asked, raising an eyebrow and abruptly leaving the table.

There was a beat of silence before Mitch said, "Sorry about that, Corbin doesn't like eating a lot," he looked down, "especially after last time."

The boys glanced at each other before looking back at Mitch. "What happened last time Mitch?" Louis asked.

Mitch stayed silent for a moment, playing with his fingers, then he looked up. "The last people we lived with weren't very nice, especially to Corb, um, one night Corb wasn't hungry so he only ate a few mouthfuls." Mitch cleared his throat and picked up his fork. "Mr. Sharbs got real angry, he started yelling at Corbin, saying he was wasting good food, and then he, uh," He audibly gulped, "he held Corb down on the table and forced the food down his throat."

The boys sat in horrified silence. "Corbin didn't want to tell anyone, and so we didn't for almost three months."

"I'm so sorry buddy," Louis muttered, squeezing his shoulder.

Mitch sighed. "He's not going to come out of his room for the rest of the night, I should go check on him." Mitch got up and left the room, heading down the hall.

Silently, the boys cleaned up and moved to the living room to read the file.

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Thanks for reading!
Sorry it took me a while to update, I was looking for inspiration:)

I know the endings rushed, sorry:(

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