Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Christmas Eve dawned and with it's arrival also drew Niall and Louis' 'Fabulous Christmas Party'. Corbin was nervous to see how that was going to play out; fortunately, the boys reassured him that he didn't have to come out of his room unless he wanted to. 

And that's how he found himself here, lying across his bed with his headphones plugged into his ears, doodling in his drawing book. He could hear the loud chattering going on in the front of the house through his headphones and raised the volume, rolling his eyes. 

To be completely honest, he was expecting this party to be a little louder, a little crazier. Not that he wasn't grateful; he didn't think he could handle a lot of noise at the moment. 

He sighed and dropped his pencil, resting his head on his arms and closing his eyes. He hummed softly along to the tune of the song and let himself relax. Even with all the ruckus and unknown people just down the hall, he found himself drifting off to sleep. 

Startled, he jerked himself upright and blinked a few times to clear his vision. He shook his head and shuffled up against his headboard. He tugged his headphones from his ears and got to his feet. 

Stretching, he went into the bathroom and tossed some cold water on his face in an effort to wake himself up. He leant against the sink and picked at his nails. He suddenly scrambled back to his bed when he heard his ringtone play softly through his headphones. 

"Hey Mitch!" He said, grinning madly as he answered. "How are you doing?" 

"I'm pretty okay." Mitch answered. "How are you? Are you alright?" 

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." 

"Are you lying?" Mitch accused, his voice betraying how he really felt. 

"No; I'm not lying." Corbin rolled his eyes fondly. "Hows things at your home?" 

"It's so great!" Mitch gushed, "ever since M-mom and dad adopted  me, I've felt even more like part of their family." 

"That's fantastic Mitch; I'm so happy for you." 

"Any news over there?" Mitch asked, "has a place opened up for you?"

"Well, a month or so ago Lou came over to talk to the lads about one of them fostering me." Corbin admitted. 

There was silence for a moment as neither of them said anything.

"And what happened?" Mitch finally cried, not able to stand the tension. 

Corbin chuckled. "And Harry signed the papers." 

Mitch squealed. "Corbin! That's awesome!" He cried. "So do you think they're going to adopt you?" 

"Haha." Corbin sighed. "I think that's going a bit far."  He said. 

"We'll see." Mitch said. "Stranger things have happened." 

"Yeah, not that strange." Corbin said, rolling onto his back. "So what's going on over there?" 

"Nothing much, Dad and mom are putting the twins to bed so they said I could call you." 

"That's great. The boys are throwing a Christmas Eve party, so I'm chilling in my room." 

"Too many new people?" Mitch asked. 

"Yup. Got it in one; anyway, most of the people here are way too old for me to be socializing with." 

"What do you have planned for Christmas?" Mitch asked. 

"Nothing too fancy, I think Harry and Louis' families are coming down to visit for the day but anything else and I am completely in the dark." 

"Sounds like fun; listen I have to go. See ya soon." 

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