Chapter Eight

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The next day, both Corbin and Zayn were feeling way better and could go back to work and school. Corbin's nerves were on high alert after school on Monday when the three boys had threatened him and it was obvious. He was more snappy in the morning and left before any of the boys could tell him differently. 

All during Louis' class, he noticed that Corbin was not paying attention. He was constantly and nervously glancing at two boys in the front row. When the bell rang, he was the first one out. He made his way to his locker and opened it. He placed his maths books in it and took out his English textbooks. He had just shut the locker when he felt a hand grab his shoulder, spin him around, and slam him against the lockers. 

"Well who do we have here?" The boys mouth twisted into a grin. "It's the new boy Corbin." 

Corbin scowled, "Hey jerk." 

One of the other boys laughed loudly. "Are you gonna let him talk to you like that Aiden?"

The boy holding him  - Aiden, he now knew - scowled deeply. "Not at all."

 Quickly, he slammed his fist into Corbin's jaw, sending his head slamming back into the locker. Pain erupted into his head and black spots danced in his vision. Aiden slammed his fist into Corbin's gut then roughly threw him to the ground. The other two boys crowded around and cheered as Aiden kicked Corbin's stomach, back, and wherever he could land a blow. 

After a while, he stopped and crouched next to Corbin, he leaned in and whispered, "Welcome to school freak, we'll be sure to make you feel this welcome everyday." He chuckled deeply and walked away as the bell rang.

Corbin lay on the ground for a moment, there was pain everywhere and he felt like throwing up. He let out a sob as he pushed himself upright, legs shaking and new pain blossoming, mainly in his ribs. He leant against the lockers, wincing as they dug into his back. 

Now what? He thought through his options. 

Go back to class? No, the thought of sitting for another six hours was not appealing. 

Go to the house? No, he doesn't have a key and everyone is working later. 

"if you feel like your shit is too much to handle, you can always come talk to me, and you're definitely not a bother, and you never will be." 


For some reason Corbin didn't fully understand, he felt safe around Zayn, he didn't feel like a threat. 

Corbin limped out of the school and headed, slowly, towards London Hospital where he knew Zayn would be. With every step, it jarred his ribs, sending rivets of pain through his chest. His vision was starting to fade at the edges and his back was starting to ache. All in all, he was one big ball of pain. 

When the hospital came into view, he let out a sob of relief and stumbled slightly as his knee buckled but he caught himself before he could fall. He let out a breath and headed into the ER. He stepped inside and shivered as he was enveloped by cool air. He stopped walking and looked around, trying to pinpoint the raven haired man. He got hit by a hard dizzy spell which caused his to sway precariously. 

Suddenly, coming out of a corridor, his eyes met a pair of soft caramel brown eyes. "Z-Zayn." He muttered, swaying hard, then his knees buckled and he hit the floor hard. As the blackness filled his vision, he was aware of someone grabbing his shoulders and rolling onto his back. He briefly saw Zayn's panicked look before falling into unconsciousness. 

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