Chapter Four

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Hey Guys!

This is just a quick warning: There is a part of this chapter when cutting is involved. 

If you are easily triggered, please take care. Thanks:)


The next day, thankfully a Sunday, saw Zayn up earlier than normal. He got dressed in a simple jeans and t-shirt and padded down the stairs in fluffy socks. He went into the kitchen and made a cup of tea before heading into the lounge. He stopped in the entrance and saw Corbin curled up in one of the chairs facing the floor to ceiling glass windows. He looked purely exhausted, his hair was messed up, there were large bags hugging his eyes and his face was pale in contrast to the black fabricated couch he was sitting on. 

"Corbin, you okay?" He asked softly, not wanting to startle the boy. 

Corbin still jumped and whipped his head around to face Zayn. He cleared his throat and averted his eyes, body tensing as he started to play with the blanket covering his legs. Zayn entered the room and sat down in the chair next to Corbins'. 

"How come you're up so early?" He asked, taking a sip of his tea. 

Corbin looked out the window to watch the sky slowly fill up with a gorgeous pink colour. "Couldn't sleep." He shrugged. 

Zayn nodded but didn't verbally respond. Corbin rubbed his wrists gently, feeling the bumps of old and new scars littered across them. Neither of them said anything else to each other and just sat in silence. Zayn noticed that Corbin was slowly falling asleep. His head was drooping onto the couch and his eyes sliding shut. The tension slowly left his body as the sleep overcame him. 

At around six-thirty, Zayn heard someone coming down the stairs. He got up and met Liam just outside the lounge. 

"Don't be too loud, Corbin's asleep in the lounge." 

Liam's eyebrow quirked. "How come?" 

Zayn shrugged and placed his now empty mug in his sink. "He said he couldn't sleep." 

Liam started to prepare his usual morning coffee. "Well, the file did say that Corbin experienced nightmares, maybe that's why he was kept up." He took a sip of the coffee and smiled lightly. 

Zayn nodded his agreement and the two of them began making breakfast, chocolate pancakes. It didn't take long for the others to make their way down to the kitchen/dining-room. Louis came down with Mitch, who was talking softly but quickly. He glanced around at the other boys.

"Where's Corbin?" His tone turned a bit wary. 

"He's asleep in the lounge Mitch -HEY!" Liam turned to glare at Harry, who shrugged innocently and preceded to eat the pancake he had stolen from the plate. 

"Oh, I'll go wake him up." Mitch said, detaching from Louis' side and moving to the lounge. He slowly approached his brother's sleeping figure, curled up tightly into the fetal position. He knew better than to touch him, so he stood next to him and said, "Corb, wake up." 

His brother stirred and muttered, "Whaddya want Mitch?" 

Mitch smiled. "It's breakfast time." 

Corbin rubbed his eyes and got up, stretching. "I'm gonna take a shower, I'm not hungry." 

Mitch's brow furrowed. "You know you have to eat right?" 

Corbin frowned and smacked him lightly on the shoulder, "Who died and made you the eldest?"

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