Chapter 32

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Jimin was right ,Han river from Yeouido looked even more pretty.Taehyung checked the time and they had been there for 3 hours now.They ate,went to Karaoke room,walked around the town,ate some more, grabbed a million photos.Even visited the night markets for the fun of it and now they were riding rented bikes through the Hangang park.Taehyung could see Jimin ahead of him just few feet away,his eyes ahead,sometimes checking if Taehyung was behind him,sometimes switching to the river to their left.Taehyung stopped and watched Jimin go.Jimin used to yell at him to wait up but now Jimin was ahead,it was very silly but that had what life became now.Jimin didn't need Taehyung anymore.Jimin's happiness wasn't defined on Taehyung's existence anymore.

"Tae..",Jimin was calling out and it pulled Taehyung out of the reverie.
"What are you doing? Come,we gotta go to the 63 square"
Taehyung adjusted his helmet and took after Jimin again.

Taehyung was going to cry,he was going to cry any minute and his idiot bestfriend would be the reason.They were standing infront of the ticket printer and Jimin gave deaf ears to the  pleas as he typed in ticket for two.
"Maybe I made a wrong choice.I am scared of heights,I don't wanna's freaking 60 floor up", Taehyung slightly tried to pull his friend from the counter but Jimin slapped his hand away and pulled the ticket out.
"Come on,Tae.You don't wanna miss this", Jimin waved the ticket infront of his face and Taehyung pouted,trying his best to gain Jimin's sympathy but Jimin was standing unfazed,hands on hips and eyebrows raised.

"You know am scared of heights,Jimin"
"I know but here-",Jimin extended his hand towards Taehyung,"I'll hold onto you tight.I'll never let go"
And Taehyung's glance switched from Jimin's face to his hands and Jimin took it as a win when he saw Taehyung considering.He leant forward to take Taehyung's hand in his and dragged the boy to the entrance.Taehyung's hand was still locked in Jimin's tiny one as they took the elevator.There were literally noone and Jimin commented that it'd be cause it's a weekday and late making it nearly 11 in the night.The glass walls of elevator didn't help Taehyung either.

"Tae,you are missing the view",Jimin said as he ran a thumb over Taehyung's back of the hand and Taehyung whined.
"I am right here"
"I can literally feel the pressure difference in my ear", Taehyung said as he held Jimin tightly but Jimin didn't complain and urged his soulmate on.Taehyung finally opened his eyes to see the beautiful city bathed in yellow lights,the river and the buildings getting smaller alike as they went up.

"I'm gonna die,Jimin", Taehyung said as he backed off from the glass walls and Jimin shook his head and waited for them to reach the sky deck.

Jimin looked through the small telescopes placed around the sky deck.Although it was not his first time,it still left him in awe.He looked back to see if his friend was watching this too but Taehyung was still fascinated by the paintings in art gallery.Jimin knows Taehyung loves art but didn't know if Taehyung really was mesmerized by the paintings or was  pretending so he can avoid walking to the deck.Finally Jimin had had enough and walked over to pull Taehyung out of the hall way.Taehyung let out a scream and clutched onto Jimin's right hand begging to leave him alone.But Jimin was ruthless like that.

"I didn't beg the security an extra 30 minutes for this",He said as he stopped near the rails and Taehyung had his eyes closed.Jimin detached himself from Taehyung and Taehyung was frozen to spot.
"Jimin,hold me", Taehyung said as he reached out,looking for him and Jimin couldn't do that to him.The elder sighed and went back to Taehyung.

"Look at me,am right infront",Jimin ordered and Taehyung felt more of Jimin near him.He slowly opened his eyes to meet Jimin's eyes,his warmth and love.
"Look at me till you can look at the view",Jimin said and god,would Jimin ever know that Taehyung would never look at the view if Jimin stays infront of him? But Taehyung couldn't hold that eyes or the thought,he slowly turned his head to left and it took his breath away.Jimin waited for him to say something but Taehyung was lost for words.The sky had darkened,sun had disappeared long hours ago and it was just tiny buildings and people.They could see the horizon extending out of their view and a pearly moon far and above them,making it almost look like that it was protecting the city.

Seoul was pretty.Taehyung's hand had finally stopped shivering in Jimin's.
"See,it's not scary now,right?",Jimin was close to Taehyung.
"It's still scary but with you,it seems not so much", Taehyung mumbled back.Jimin heard it clearly through the silence.He turned to look at Taehyung,but his eyes were still fixed at the glass windows.

"That the play? Was it just acting or did you really-"
Taehyung let out a tiny laugh,"It's all acting,Jiminie.I am just that good of an actor"

"Why don't you take your hat off and look me in the eye and say that again?"
"It's just the make up-"
But Jimin had reached over with his free hand to take off Taehyung's hat and Taehyung was left feeling vulnerable all of a sudden.His face was puffy and eyes still red and tired.

"Why did you cry like that?"

Taehyung hated himself,hated himself for being so weak,so sensitive.He can already feel the burning behind his eyes and the more he told his brain to not cry,the more the urge got intense.
"It broke my heart seeing you cry like that, what's wrong?",Jimin was saying and Taehyung realized his eyes hadn't moved far from Jimin's eyes for a while.

"You know why",A tear spilled out of Taehyung's eyes and Jimin gasped, unknowingly reaching out his hand to wipe that tear away but that hand didn't drop after.It stayed cupping Taehyung's face.Taehyung let go off the hand on railing and brought it up to place over Jimin's and further leant his face into the hand,closing his eyes.Then he removed Jimin's hand off his face.


"Don't say anything.It's trying my best", Taehyung opened his eyes and more of the tears spilled out and that's when he saw Jimin was crying too.His hand immediately cupped Jimin's face and swiped his thumb across his cheeks.Both of them failed to notice how close they were and Taehyung had sirens alarming in his head but he had little to no control on his actions.It was not fair and a nervous moment,his eyes switched onto Jimin's lips and scaredly back onto his eyes.Taehyung started to step back and closed his eyes cause of his fear of heights.But Jimin pulled him back,this time one hand on Taehyung's hips and the other on Taehyung's nape and then they were kissing.

A/n: gasp!!
Hope you liked it (?)
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