Chapter 25

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Jimin spotted Taehyung in the cafeteria and his face lit up immediately as he made his way to him.Yoongi was sitting along with Taehyung and was talking to himself about something as Taehyung was absorbed into some video in his phone.
"Hey!",Jimin said as he sat down and the duo acknowledged him.
"You had class at 8?",Jimin asked and Taehyung nodded.
"When's your class finishing today?"
"Around 6",Taehyung said and Jimin's face glowed,"We are going to the festa opened last week,Be ready",said Jimin,before swinging his bag over his shoulders and starting to leave.Yoongi nudged Taehyung and he called out to Jimin,"Jimin"

Jimin turned around,"yeah?"

Taehyung stumbled over his words and Yoongi led him,"He can't actually come"
"He has got plans with me",Yoongi helped again and Taehyung nodded and Jimin suddenly looked off.Taehyung sensed it and he was going to say he could cancel it but Yoongi could already read his mind,he put a hand on Taehyung's leg to stop him.
"Okay,cool.See you at practice later then",Jimin said and awkwardly stood as Taehyung nodded.And he was gone.

"See,that was simple",Yoongi shrugged and Taehyung sighed.He watched  Jimin walk out of the cafeteria,head bowed.Something pricked his conscience but he should  do as Yoongi says,to save him from the pain.


Jisoo pulled away from the kiss and Namjoon was left ,puckering his lips in an awkward way.He tilted his head at his girlfriend,"Do you think Jimin is lying to himself?",asked Jisoo

"That's what you are thinking when we were kissing?",Namjoon sat back,sending a glare at Jisoo,who smiled shamelessly.Namjoon leaned forward to fix Jisoo's hair,shaking his head.
"Sorry!!I was just -"
"Why are you thinking too much ?"
"I can't help it,I don't like Taehyung getting hurt"

Jisoo cosied up to lay on Namjoon's shoulders and Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows.Their brain storming was interrupted as the door opened and in walked Taehyung.
"Who gave him the door code?",Jisoo asked.
"You did",Namjoon laughed as Taehyung sat opposite to them.
"Let me guess,You're hiding from Jimin",Jisoo pointed a finger and Taehyung smiled,"50 points to Gryffindor"

"Sorry,am Slytherin",Jisoo got up and then stopped to turn around at Taehyung,"Do you wanna go out?"
"I literally escaped from a third wheel date,am not doing it again",Taehyung sighed.Jisoo threw a cushion at Taehyung,"Just you and me,idiot"


"No,no not here",Taehyung called after Jisoo as she proceeded to buy tickets for the duo.But Jisoo wasn't heeding at all over the loud music from the fest.Taehyung took a short run to get to Jisoo,"Let's go somewhere else"
And the answer came as a voice calling Taehyung from behind.Taehyung turned around to see Jimin and Jungkook behind them.

"Hyung!!", Jungkook said smiling widely,"Jiminie hyung said you have plans with Yoongi sunbae"
Jungkook didn't have to start the conversation right off from the bat,Taehyung looked at Jimin and he clearly displayed a confused expression.
"It got cancelled",Taehyung said and Jisoo came to defense quick,"yeah,So I dragged him here"
"Oh,then we should go together",Jungkook said looking from Taehyung to Jisoo and Jimin was immediate to say maybe they were busy but Jisoo quickly waved it off,volunteering to buy tickets for the quartet.

And that's how the awkward events began.

Jimin wasn't very talkative and Jisoo was talking too much.Taehyung couldn't bear both behaviour, he had taken a side way glance at Jimin and he seemed fine around Jungkook but not around himself. Taehyung was expecting Jimin to be sulky anyway and as soon as Jungkook and Jisoo went to get ice cream,Jimin said,"Why do you have to lie to me?"

Taehyung was taken aback for a second and said,"I...didn't lie"

Jimin kept to himself for another few seconds,"If you don't want to come,you could just say that"


"No,don't say anything.I can tell when you lie,I had my doubts when Yoongi hyung spoke for you and now Jisoo"
Taehyung realized that he won't be able to defend himself,let alone say anything so he held his silence.
"If you don't wanna come,you can just say it yourself.I didn't think we need someone else  between us".Before Jimin could launch into a full blown rant,Jisoo ran upto them.

"I wanna get on that ride",Jisoo dragged Taehyung and Jimin, and Jungkook jogged upto them.


Yoongi was angry,very angry and he deems anyone would be if they are called out to work on the last piece all of a sudden.It was due for Monday and dance team was not supposed to ask him till then.
Yoongi was grumbling to himself as he pushed open the studio door and came face to face with Hoseok.Yoongi stumbled at the door and turned around to leave.
"Hyung",Hoseok said before Yoongi could take any steps further.Yoongi cleared his throat before turning around,"So it wasn't about composing ?"
Hoseok shook his head lightly and bit his lips.

"You made Lee yim call me?"
Hoseok nodded his head and when Yoongi turned around,Hoseok lunged forward to grab hold of Yoongi's hand.
"Didn't I tell you to not involve people ?it's already as messy as it is",Yoongi rubbed his forehead.
"Sorry,I just-",Hoseok's lips tightened and he sighed before saying,"I think I like you, Hyung"

Yoongi looked at Hoseok like he said something in an alien language and he had a hard time decoding.
"But we are not..we shouldn't -",Yoongi searched for words in the dark.
"I know we are ..I don't know what to label it either "
Yoongi held Hoseok's hands and said,"Are you still on that night?We made a mistake.We promised not to talk about it"

"Maybe I didn't make a mistake",Hoseok stood back,watching Yoongi's face hit with realization.


"Are you gonna be like this?",Taehyung let out a breath seeing a sulky Jimin walk around.Jimin paid no attention and continued to set his things aside to get ready to bed.
"You even cancelled the practice!!Isn't this too much?"
Jimin still didn't reply and Taehyung had enough,he stepped into Jimin's view and said,"What's wrong with you?"
"Oh,wow..I am the one with a problem.You were the one lying to me and acting like you are okay with everything when you are clearly not"
"I did enjoy the time with you and Jungkook",Taehyung lied through his teeth and Jimin closed his eyes for a second.

"There you go again,if you didn't want to come with could just say that.You made it complicated"

Taehyung didn't even understand what was so complicated about the whole situation.Why would Jimin even be upset to this level? Taehyung's patience was wearing off thin,he tried his best,"Jimin"
"Alright,I am not calling you to anything from now on.Me,the fool thought I could spend time with you and you are like..oh wow."

He was definitely being overboard and Taehyung lost it,"Yes,so what?! I didn't like going out with you and your boyfriend and third wheeling you all the time"

"Tae,I thought you are alon-"

"I have friends,Jimin.You are not the only one "

Jimin took few seconds to digest that,he felt his heart crumble and didn't like whatever Taehyung was projecting at him.The question of who was being unreasonable melted into thin air.Yes,Taehyung did have friends now..It's not five years ago and they were not in Busan.Jimin felt stupid.

A/n: So how was the comeback  y'all

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