Chapter 18

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"Bye guys,have fun",Namjoon called out the window as he dropped off Taehyung and Jisoo at the Seoul Central Station.Jisoo animatedly send a flying kiss his way and Taehyung cringed.
"Good luck",Namjoon said as he drove away.
"Good luck?",Taehyung was confused,he swung his bag onto his shoulders and continued staring at Jisoo.
"Um..I,well gonna tell mom I am dating",Jisoo stuttered way too much but Taehyung still bought it.Jisoo walked ahead of Taehyung,"Come,let's look for the platform"

It had been full ten minutes since they had been waiting and Jisoo was on the phone.When asked, she said it was Namjoon and she already missed him.After another five minutes,the train pulled into the station.
"Hey,Go and settle down.I'll grab some snacks real quick",Jisoo announced and left Taehyung.
"They leave in 3 minutes.What are you-"

She was gone.Taehyung sighed before he heaved both of their bags into the train and found their seat.He impatiently looked outside the glass windows for Jisoo and stood up, just about to get off , simultaneously calling up Jisoo on the phone.He saw Jisoo's head among the crowd running to the train and boarding.
"What's wrong with you?",Taehyung shouted at Jisoo but then he couldn't talk anymore.His eyes fell on the one Jisoo was holding onto.It was Jimin.

Taehyung kept his eyes fixed onto his own hands clasped on his lap and tried to count the lines on his palm,but the duo infront of him kept arguing.Seemed like Jimin was tricked into believing Jisoo was going alone too.After another few minutes of arguing,Jimin stormed off to the other carriage and Jisoo sighed.She turned around at Taehyung and said,"You wanna say something too?"
Taehyung shrugged and kept looking out and Jisoo pulled her hair in anger.
"I just wanted to make things alright between you two.I am just tired of choosing,always going back and forth.Can't you guys seriously set aside your differences?"

Taehyung pointed at himself when he spoke,"Me? I am not the one making a fuss about it."
"Look,Jimin has opened up.Before you came,he even said he hated you.Now look at him,he changed.Now he complains that you don't sleep in the room anymore"
Taehyung searched his brain to come up with something but all that he had was some questions.Jisoo didn't notice and she continued,"Even now,he's only angry that I am making you feel uncomfortable"

Taehyung hung his head low and stood up soon after.
"I'll talk to him",Taehyung assured Jisoo and went after Jimin.The said human was standing by the door,gazing outside the train.Taehyung sighed before he started the conversation,"Hey"
Jimin was shocked for a second but regained composure soon,"Hi"
"I ..I..",Taehyung stumbled upon words,"I thought you were going with Jungkook"
Taehyung nearly clapped his hand over his mouth.Why would he even say that?He was sure that's not what he wanted to ask.Jimin looked very confused.
"Why would I go with Jungkook?"
"To meet his family?",Taehyung could not go back now and Jimin was more confused,"We have been only dating for few months and I don't think he is the kind to take me to his home yet"
Taehyung nodded,now awkward and regretting the conversation.Jimin waited for Taehyung to say something but nothing happened.

"Look I know you are not very fond of me but for Jisoo's sake, please pretend",Jimin was the one who said it and Taehyung felt it was wrong to take his words out of his mouth.It was supposed to be his lines.His brows furrowed as he studied Jimin shifting from one leg to the other,waiting for an answer.Taehyung wanted to say he didn't hate Jimin,he loved being around Jimin and he still loved Jimin.And it took all the cells in his body to restrain himself from reaching out to Jimin into a bone crushing hug.Yet Taehyung stood there,nodding his head agreeing to be civil.

Jimin smiled lightly and Taehyung almost felt his breath get knocked out of his system.Taehyung followed Jimin back into the cabin where Jisoo was waiting for them.
"You guys are okay!!",She clapped her hands together and excitedly cooed.She beckoned them to sit by her and spoke excitedly.


Apparently the engagement was held at Kim family resort and much to Taehyung's dismay,Jisoo's father was almost in tears to see Taehyung after so long.He had been a child to them.Jisoo's mother was no different either.Jisoo was almost missing the whole day when they got there,she was busy running around errands and greeting their long array of relatives,helping her sister out and everything.Taehyung stayed confined to his room,trying to sleep.He was very tired of the whole travelling and such.Jimin was in the same room with him but Jimin, obviously closer to Jisoo's family was not seen much either.Taehyung didn't complain,he liked this,he liked being alone.But for hours and hours,he was just lying there,switching in between half consciousness and reality.He didn't even know if he actually slept or not.At some time,he felt Jimin had came in but he couldn't acknowledge it or say anything.He was too tired.


"So I told him that she can go and do the experiment,instead -..Yoongi,Yoongi!!",Jin stopped in the midst of the conversation and looked behind him.His supposed listener had dosed off in his chair.Jin threw a bread stick at Yoongi and Yoongi jerked off quickly.He lazily picked up the bread stick and stuffed it into his mouth before dozing off again.Jin kicked at his chair and spoke,"I saw Seojoon today morning.He said Yuna won't be coming back for a while"
"Who Yuna?",Yoongi asked,lazily.

"The Yuna who dance with Tae.The girl's dad had some accident,I don't know"
"Oh what?! You know who will replace her,right?"
"Jimin,you thickhead.There are no other modern dancers in the team",Jin kicked Yoongi awake once more.
"No surprise there,That's how the typical story goes or better yet.Maybe Jimin bribed Yuna to lie so he can have time with Taehyung which is very suspicious considering he has a boyfriend himself which leads me to think,maybe Jimin is using Taehyung.And the question is why Jimin would do that and I can't deny the fact he had been trying to know more about Taehyung.Very...very strange cause few months ago,he wasn't very fond of Tae.Also-",

"Yoongi,go back to sleep",Jin quickly intervened,his eyes were wide and confused as to what demon did he wake now.
"Thankyou",Yoongi smiled as he shifted in his chair and fell asleep again.

A/n:I promise the next chapter will give you butterflies and pain at the same time..I wrote this one quick,I'll update soon

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