Chapter 13

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Taehyung's eyes travelled around the crowded room.He has no idea how he had ended up staying.He wasn't definitely planning on it but before he even knew it Namjoon had made sure he stayed and it low-key seemed to be a plan from the start to make him stay.Jisoo was ecstatic when she saw her best friend.Taehyung had no choice but to stay now,although the person he was trying to avoid came,worse! with his boyfriend.To make matters tiring,he had a terrible headache and it only escalated along with the loud music.If he doesn't eat at the right time,he was bound to get a headache.

That's why he was munching down the chips he had,atleast to keep the pain at bay.Taehyung sighed as he took a sip of his coke and looked at Jisoo.Jisoo was dancing along with Namjoon,smiling wide.Taehyung couldn't help but smile along.He reminded himself to give her the present he bought,tomorrow.He looked around,not particularly to find someone but nevertheless doing the same.His eyes were quick to catch on Jimin sitting on the kitchen counter,watching Jungkook dance infront of him.Jungkook was asking him to join and Jimin was declining,smiling widely at his boyfriend.

Taehyung was very well acquainted to the pain raising in his chest by now.He got up to leave only to be stopped by Namjoon.
"Jisoo said you get headaches when you don't eat",It wasn't a question.Before Taehyung could say anything Namjoon had dragged him off to the bedroom they had locked.
"Here,Eat",Namjoon pulled out a tupperwarethat Taehyung was sure he didn't see in the elder's hand before,"I'll lock the door,You can take a rest here"
"No..Hyung,thanks.I was actually going to leave",He pushed the tupperware back at Namjoon but he didn't comply.
"It's raining outside,I'll drop you off when the party is over.Just rest here..nope,not a word",Namjoon smiled as he left Taehyung alone.Taehyung could only take two bites off the Hotteok and decided to take a rest as he sat down on the floor to lean against the bed frame,gazing out the giant window.The sound of rain was muted as the loud music,now sounding distant, outside the room drowned it.Before he knew it,his eyes were heavy and his head fell onto the bed side counter.


"You okay,hyung ?What happened?"

Taehyung woke upto a slight whisper and shuffling inside the room.It took him a while to come back to his senses on where he was.He didn't move so as to not scare whoever was there in the room with him and obviously it doesn't seem like they have seen him either.
"Am okay"
"No,tell me..You don't look good",Jungkook was saying as he pulled Jimin to sit on the bed with him.Taehyung's heart dropped.This was the last thing he'd ever want to happen to him.He was contemplating but then he heard a small sniff.

"What happened?",Jungkook's voice came and Taehyung can see a faint reflection of them on the rain etched windows infront of him.Jungkook cupped Jimin's face,the concern in his voice was evident.
"It's just-",Jimin's voice caught in his throat and he went silent again.Taehyung didn't understand but Jungkook seemed to get it as he pulled Jimin into a hug.
"It's gonna be fine,Hang in there.Okay?",Jungkook was saying as he rubbed his hands in circles on Jimin's back.Taehyung was just lost,he was confused,hurt.A silence fell after that,moments later Jungkook said,"Do you wanna go back to room,hyung?"

Jimin didn't answer.

"It seems like it's still raining.I can go get my car-"
"No,It's okay.Namjoon hyung can drop me off",Jimin said.He didn't want to burden Jungkook anymore.But Jungkook wasn't agreeing.A few minutes of bickering ran across them,at the end which Jungkook finally gave in and on promise that Jimin'd call him as soon as he gets home,he agreed to leave first.
Jungkook pressed a lingering kiss on Jimin's lips before he left.Jimin settled onto the bed,gazing past the window,so did Taehyung from near the counter.

Time snailed away and Jimin's soft snores filled the interior and the music had died down in the living room.Taehyung cautiously got up and took a stride across the room to quickly exit.But he couldn't help but stop for a moment and turn around.Jimin had his mouth,slightly open,visible dried tear tracks down his cheeks.Every cell in his body wanted to close the distance and scoop Jimin into his arms and hug him till all his worries are gone.But Taehyung  didn't.It wasn't his place.He closed the door behind him and stepped into the living room.The room was deserted except for a drunk Jisoo sprawled across the couch and Namjoon tucking her inside a giant blanket.Taehyung watched as Namjoon knelt by her and fixed her hair strands behind her ears.

"Is she okay?",Taehyung asked.Namjoon,a bit alarmed,turned around,"Oh..Just a bit drunk.She will be fine"

"Probably gonna have a huge hangover ,I guess",Taehyung chimed in,looking at his bestfriend.Namjoon smiled and nodded.
"How are you?",He directed at Taehyung.
"am good,I was gonna leave"
"I wanted to drop you off but-",Namjoon stopped as he threw a glance at his girlfriend,pouting and furrowing her eye brows at nothing,"You can stay here tonight"
"No,It's alright.Take care of her.I'll be fine",Taehyung said,smiling and before Namjoon could say anything,he took his leave,biding him goodnight.


The night was chilly,Taehyung pulled his hoodie over and kept his hands deep in his pockets.The rain was light but the chill it send down his bones were intense.He should have just called Jin to pick him up or asked Namjoon for an umbrella at the least.He couldn't almost feel his legs as he walked slow.The rain drops clung onto the trees and rails as a reminiscence of the shower.Taehyung tried his best to not give into his thoughts and worries.A breeze took away his hood and Taehyung quickly took his hands out to pull his hood back on but then the rain over his head just stopped.Taehyung looked up for a split second before directing his gaze at the one who was holding an umbrella above him.Taehyung's mouth fell apart as he saw Jimin's pale face and blinked.

"You left me",Jimin said and Taehyung didn't understand if that was about leaving the party or leaving five years ago.Either way,seeing Jimin here.. near him,breathless from the way he probably ran to him,the faint streetlight reflecting against the side of his face and rain down his legs,Taehyung let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.
"I didn't know that you wanted me to stay",Taehyung found words tumbling out of his mouth.

"I always wanted you to stay"
Did Taehyung really hear it?He didn't see Jimin's mouth move.It was all a haze.He stood there frozen, gazing down at the grey eyes he was very fond of  to get lost in.

A/n:The mental image is beautiful

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