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after the work had done all started to leave ...

here anirudh's anger overtook every emotion and he  thought to follow them as they both were going in the same vehicle 

he follows them upto the place when car stops and both james and lily get down , ani gets confused and walks after them ...

after they reach the same house where lily lived which was seen by anirudh in the morning ...

he hides ..

here bondita had felt someone , that someone is following him so she keeps her belongings in the house and hurridely rushes out where as james enters nd gets freshed 

james comes out calls her but she is engrossed in thinking about the someone ....

james - lily ....



bon di ......[ as everyone used to call her bon short form of bondita so james used to call her bon and didi's short form di that is bon di ]

lily - ha janu , what happened why are you shouting ....

james -come na we will be having snacks or something i am getting hungry ....

bon di can you prepare something ....

lily - go janu eat na something i am searching something 

james - bon di , my lovely , beautiful bondi please come and make something for me please , i am getting hungry darling ....

lily - okay , okay 

dont butter me , i am coming .......

their cute banter had made anirudh too much angry 

and the last sentence of james stating lovely , beautiful and darling had made his anger on the highest peak which can be burst out i an second 

but before anything would had take place something strike his brain that is james and lily are living in same house ...

james know lily's name is bondita ...

he thinks he called bondita as bondi not as bon di { bon didi } 

he was now all shattered by coming thooughts in his mind 

whether their relation is .....

what if bondita also loves him....

and as bondita says him janu it is evident that she loves him...

what if she had been tricked by this britisher ..

i had to find out at any cost , how can i let my bondita suffer ,,,no i will surely ask him tomorrow ...


next day .................

both james and bondita arrive and to their shock even coming earlier they become late that is anirudh is waiting for them from before time .....

anirudh - oh so you had arrived , but you are late , now just focus on the given cases to you ....

james - sir we are on time , you are earlier , how ...

lily cuts james - sorry sir we will be earlier from tomorrow 

anirudh - you know what , you are similar to my wife 

she too says like you ....

but i dont know why she is not recognizing me .......

james - what doo you mean by saying that she doesnt recognizes you ?

here bondita has understood what he wants to say but is confused that how he came to know about her , as james and sampoorna didi are the only two who knows her as bondita and james will never open her identity whereas sampoorna too will never break the promise ......

she starts to sweat ...andb her sweat is visible on her forhead , her face become expressionless as well as pale ....

anirudh -  james i was saying that my wife is not recongnizing my mistake ,she is not forgiving me , do you know how to impress her 

or ms lily why dont you share what should i do for her

here bondita is tenced on what to reply as well as sad that he is happy with his wife that is saudamini and is trying to impress her ......

aniruh- ms lily why are sweating , dear is there any problem .....

he gets up from his place and moves towards tyhe front and sits on the table in front of bondita and takes out his handkerchief and wipes her sweat and again brushes his fingers on her forhead ...this takes place in front of james ....

and james was to shout and take out his anger when pune enters and calls anirudh   

and anirudh moves out keeping the same handkerchief in his pocket 

james - bondi now you are not going to stop me , i will definately beat him up now he is crossing his limits, i had thought taht he is a gentle man who supports upcoming srtudents , womens 

but now he doesnt deserve to be respected , he just take advantages 

lily - james dont use such words for him slightest anger 

james - good , these was only remaining lily , that you defend him , give excuses for him

lily- jannu please try to understand , he is not like that ,he is really a geltle man ...

please dear dont get angry on him ...please , for my sake 

here anirudh had returned and listened what bondi said " jannu please try to understand , he is not like that , he is really a gentleman please dear dont get angry on him please for my sake "

his blood boil again and after entering the room in his anger he orders lily to take her case and discuss it with the other lawyer where as james will be discussing his case with him ...

lily leaves ...

aftyer lily leaves anirudh closes the door and angrily comes to james and holds him by his collar and pinned him to the wall and angrily shouted at him ...

anirudh - how dare you acuse her , what is she to you ?tell me what is the relation between you ?

why do you both leave in one house ?

tell me ...and dont even try to lie ....

james - why ..

why do you want to know the relation between us ?

let it be ...

but dont you saw our marksheets before accepting us as your assistants 

dont you see that my name is james welson and she too is lily welson 

dont you know both of us have the same surname 

hearing this his hold on collars gets loosened and his heart broke into pieces 

and unknowningly tearss started to roll down his cheeks .

Anidita~ the OS/TS/SS collection ( On Hold )Where stories live. Discover now