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james - but who are you to ask me , the relation we have and moreover i should have done what you are doing i should had held you like this ...

you were touching her that to in front of me ,thinkng that i will spare you .

and top of that lily is also supporting you, if any other person had done to her what you did , he must be now un hospital taking treatment bvut i dont know why she just ignore you ...

and why you have tears in your eyes , do you feeling guilty for what you have done

anirudh - i am neither feeling guilty nor ashamed of mr james welson ...

and for your first questions answer i hadnt read your marksheets as this mini things are done by my junior lawyers ...

now tell me what is the relation of yours ?

james - she is my sister , but why are you seeming so interested in knowing our relation ?

anirudh on listening james as her brother immediately hugs him and tears of happiness rolls down his cheeks again whereas james is amused as the person who was threatening him few moments ago is now hugging him ....

james - what happen , suddenly you become so polite and gentle

and you answer me what i asked you or else will....

anirudh brokes the hug and then smiling says

anirudh - i am your brother in law , janu

james - dont dare to say janu again , its only for bondi

how can you say that you are my brother in law

anirudh - if bondita can say you janu why cant i ?

and think , why your bondi is quiet on my touch , she is my wife , she knows me and this is the only reason she is quiet ,

james - if she is your wife , she might have told me , and it means that you are the person who had abandoned her ?am i correct ?

anirudh - i am really sorry ,i had misunderstood her , but i had gone to search her , but she had already left with a britisher and after that day only today i came to know that she is my bondita

i love her from my bottom of my heart

james - why do you love her ?

isnt your one wife enough for you ?

anirudh - what do you mean ?

james - i know the whole truth , so dont act like innocent

i know when my bondi was struggling you had married to someone , i had seen the invitation of engagment where the picture of you two was present there ...

anirudh - i had nt married to anyone except my bondita , the girl saudamini had tricked me and my family , she only provoked me to left bondita but graduaually come to know the secret and before engagement i had leaved to take bondita back to RCmansion but she was there , i serached her all throught everywhere when i come to know that she was in hiramandi , i gone there too , but before i could have rescued her she had already ran away and after that her no clue was found out ....

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