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bondita being an enthiusiastic and determined towards study makes thaku maa to let her allow for study , to get educated ...soon thaku maa by her own takes bondita to dulhousie and admits her their , thaku maa's brain too not give he the premission to let her be alone in the school without any family member but her heart screams that if she will live with them , she might be face many difficulties to complete her studies so she she allows her and admits her in dulhousie ... ...

bondita used to love her thaku maa from the start but when she come to know that she had been admitted to dulhousie so that she can complete her studies and her dreams without any interruption , she jumps joyfully and hugs her and tells her that she was the one who had loved her like her baba used to love her ....

soon bondita gets into dulhousie and from school she shifts to high school and from there to college of barriestry culcutta , she completes her studies and became a gold medalist  barrister 


soon she returns to her thaku ma and tells her that she had falllen in love with anirudh roy choudhary ...

this one thing make thaku maa boil in anger and she slaps her .....

do thaku maa allow bondita to get together with anirudh ?

do anriudh accepts bondita's proposal ?

or do thaku maa play an evil ploy ?

to get this answers peep into the short series which will be published soon  in the same book ....

upto then enjoy one or two shots ....

love you my dear readers ....


 i am extremely grateful to each and everyone who has taken time out to read my work . it means a lot to me ! special mention to the people who have voted and commented regurlarly on the chapter. i honestly cant tell you how much those notifications meant to me .

please keep showering your love ...

love from your faiithful writer .. 


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